This is a service for you that is similar to the php function get_browser(). It uses project.
php composer.phar require browscap/browscap-bundle:1.0.*
This will install the current version which is beta and is the master branch. I don't want to say it's stable yet until I have some more tests and real world usage under the belt, but should be good enough to use in a production site.
In your app/AppKernel.php file
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
new Browscap\BrowscapBundle\BrowscapBundle(),
You can see the configuration values and information by running php app/console config:dump-reference BrowscapBundle
cache_dir: null # If null, use your application cache directory
timeout: 5
update_interval: 432000
error_interval: 7200
do_auto_update: true
update_method: 'cURL' # Supported methods: 'URL-wrapper','socket','cURL' and 'local'.
local_file: null # Only if used
cache_filename: 'cache.php'
ini_filename: 'browscap.ini'
lowercase: false # You need to rebuild the cache if this option is changed
silent: false
In your controller, you will just need to get the browser information via the dependency injection container.
// @var $browscap \Browscap\BrowscapBundle\Browscap
$browscap = $this->container->get('browscap');
$browser = $browscap->getBrowser();
In twig templates, you can call the get_browser
function :
{% set browser = get_browser() %}
In the future there might be some more functions.