BcmsSupport is a small but growing set of methods that aims to make testing BrowserCMS modules easier.
gem install bcms_support
Edit Gemfile
gem "bcms_support"
Edit test/test_helper.rb
require "bcms_support"
class ActiveSupport::TestCase
include BcmsSupport::Test
Edit Gemfile
gem "bcms_support"
Edit spec/spec_helper.rb
require "bcms_support"
Spec::Runner.configure do |config|
config.include BcmsSupport::Test
Edit Gemfile
gem "bcms_support"
Edit features/support/env.rb
require "bcms_support/cucumber"
This library includes factory definitions for the following BrowserCMS models (lifted directly from BrowserCMS' source):
- Category
- CategoryType
- Connector
- FileBlock
- Group
- GroupType
- HtmlBlock
- ImageBlock
- Link
- Page
- PagePartial
- PageRoute
- PageTemplate
- Permission
- Section
- Site
- Task
- User
To use them, just require them wherever you require factory_girl
require "factory_girl"
require "bcms_support/factories"
You can define your module's factories the way you normally do, just keep in mind that you cannot define factories with the same names enlisted above.
At the moment, this library only provides 3 methods that can be called from Test cases, Example groups or step definitions. Please note that BcmsSupport is very young and as the collection of methods grow, the API may also change dramatically.
- seed_bcms_data => loads all data seeded by BrowserCMS' migrations into your test database.
- login_as(user) => Simulates a logged in user by setting session[:user_id] to the passed in user's id.
- publish_all_pages => Page.all.each(:&publish)
class BlogControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
def setup
Or, if you are using Rspec:
describe BlogControler do
before(:all) { seed_bcms_data }
before(:each) { login_as(some_user) }
Lastly, they can be used on step definitions as well:
Given /^All BrowserCMS' seed data exists$/ do
Given /^I am logged in as "([^"]*)"$/ do |name|
# login_as expects a user object
login_as(Factory(:user, :name => name))
BcmsSupport is in it's infancy and under heavy development. The idea is to extract data, methods and step definitions that deal with BrowserCMS itself and are commonly used across different modules.
Ideas and contributions are more than welcome.
Copyright (c) 2010 Juan Alvarez. See LICENSE for details.