The goal of this project is to create an open source map of accessibles pianos (freely or not). Data will be hosted on OpenStreetMap.
For the moment, the project is "just" a filter defined on MapContrib.
The map is here :
For a mobile Android app, you can use the great OpenMultiMaps available on F-droid, then go to contributions -> mapcontrib
I suggest to tag piano this way: create a node with this tags:
- add access details:
: explicitly public and open to whoeveraccess=permissive
: while nominally private, no visible attempt is made to restrict access, and casual use appears to be tolerated by the ownersaccess=customers
: while open to the public, the clear policy is to require a purchase prior to use.
- add piano type: "real" piano or electronic piano ?
: a "real" piano (with strings and hammers)musical_instrument=digital_piano
: an electronic piano
- is it a SNCF piano in a trainstation ? Then add:
- is the position estimated ? Then add:
- to make clear you followed this guide, you can add:
- if you read the piano existence information somewhere, you can link the source:
(see this node for example)
If you want to take a picture of the piano (what a great idea !), put it somewhere on the internet ( or seems to be good places for that).
Pianos are often indoor; and gps can be unable to fix. In that case, we'll have to manually set GPS coords of images:
exiftool -overwrite_original -GPSLatitude="48.8926936" -GPSLongitude="2.239364" *.jpg
- uploading to Mapillary is really simple and can be done from website.
- uploading from OpenStreetCam is not so easy. See here how to upload to OpenStreetCam (using command line)
- for Mapillary:
(image key is given on image details on website)
- for OpenStreetCam:
(to adapt to each photo, of course)
Example: this piano node have photos (OpenStreetCam and Mapillary).
=> read more about photo linking is OSM in OSM Wiki
for free access pianos (green on map):
- nodes with
- nodes with
- nodes with
- with:
- or
- nodes with
for other pianos (gray on map): Same as above, but without
(overpass requests used to populate map are located in overpass-requests
Here is a taginfo link to compare usage of:
- musical_instrument=piano
- amenity=piano
- musical_instrument:piano=yes
This are informations to add via OSM tags
For the moment, there's no way to distinguish a bar with a place with a piano freely accessible and a place with a piano, but only reserved for concerts for example. As the aim of the project is to quickly find on a map freely accessible pianos, it's an important point to decide.
What not using access tag as it's used by the toilets tag ? For me its make sens to see:
- access=yes explicitly public and open to whoever.
- access=permissive while nominally private, no visible attempt is made to restrict access, and casual use appears to be tolerated by the owners.
- access=customers while open to the public, the clear policy is to require a purchase prior to use. You may need a key or code to get in. Some people also use access=destination for this.
Of course, all that tags should only be used for nodes, not ways.
I'll make a proposal when it's more clear for me.
It's always usefull to know whether a piano is a real one or a digital one. For it we could use :
- musical_instrument=piano
- musical_instrument=digital_piano
The "pianos en gare" is a French project by the french railway service (SNCF) to place pianos in railways stations:
=> done (66 pianos added)operator=SNCF
is generally filled
This is inherent to MapContrib evolutions, but it could be great to have some infos when clicking on a piano on the map:
- place name
- photo (if any)
- "advanced" link to display all tags
=> See