- Bruno Sampaio Leite
C- Compiler built based on Kenneth C. Louden's Tiny Compiler available at: "Compiler Construction: Principles and Practice". Louden, Kenneth C. 1997.
Target machine's HDL Code (Verilog) available at:
Up-to-date version of this compiler's code available at:
Terminal Commands:
- cd compilador_c-
- make
- ./compiler <input-file-name>
Outputs on folder: compilador_c-/output
Inputs on folder: compilador_c-/input
Sinthesys will only run if there are no syntax or semantic errors on input file.
- This can be changed in main.
After compiling 'make clean' will clean all unnecessary files.
- After make clean it's necessary to make again in order to run ./compiler.
The first part of this compiler (lexical, syntax and semantic analysis) was built along with @ludmilalima. The second part, (intermediary, assembly and binary code generation) was built as a solo project.