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Obihörnchen edited this page Apr 6, 2017 · 6 revisions

You can help to add translations for Worldopole in your language.

All you have to do is:

  1. Create a new directory with your language code in core/json/locales/
  2. Copy the two files core/json/locales/EN/{translations,pokes}.json to your new directory
  3. Translate all key-value pairs
  4. Do tests with your installation
  5. Submit a pull request 👍

Note: You don't have to translate everything. Partial translations will work as well.

Thank you!

Tip: Search for missing translation string with the following command

cd core/json/locales; for i in */translations.json; do echo; echo "### Language: ${i%/*}"; missing=$(awk '{print $1}' EN/translations.json $i | sort | uniq -u); echo "### Missing: $(echo "$missing" | wc -l)"; echo "$missing"; done