This helper make it easy to store, fetch and observe values in the NSUserDefaults
. I first discovered them in kod and now use it in Justnotes as well.
Alright. How did you register default values the old way?
NSUserDefaults *standardDefaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
NSDictionary *defaults = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: @"", @"user/email"];
[standardUserDefaults registerDefaults:defaults]
Now, do it the easy way.
defaults_init( @{ @"user/email" : @"" });
Isn't that nice and much shorter? Let's take a look at more examples.
// Set
defaults_set_object(@"user/username", @"Matthias");
defaults_set_object(@"user/logged-in", @(YES));
// Get
NSString *email = defaults_object(@"user/email");
NSString *username = defaults_object(@"user/username");
BOOL loggedIn = [defaults_object(@"user/logged-in") boolValue];
What's also nice is that you can observe a value and get a callback when it changed.
defaults_observe(@"user/email", ^(NSString *email){
The shell script run_unit_tests
includes some basic unit tests. You can run them by executing sh run_unit_tests
and without involving Xcode.