API client and CLI for the Marvel API Client
The API and CLI both looks for either a marvel
config block with the following keys:
- Your Marvel Public Keyprivate_key
- Your Marvel Private Key
or looks for the following environment variables
- Your Marvel Public KeyMARVEL_PRIVATE_KEY
- Your Marvel Private Key
Usage for CLI Client:
usage: marvel <command> [options]
characters Gets character data.
comics Gets comic data.
creators Gets creator data.
events Gets event data.
series Gets series data.
stories Gets story data.
"entity" in the options below correspond to the commands above.
You cannot the option if it has the same name as the command
invalid ex: marvel characters --characters
-s --search [searchText] searches for entities that begin with the searchText
-i --id [id] the id of the entity
-co --comics the comics for the entity
-ev --events the events for the entity
-se --series the series for the entity (does not work for comics)
-st --stories the stories for the entity
-ch --characters the characters for the entity (does not work for creators)
-ch --creators the creators for the entity (does not work for characters)