Just stashing my software projects here. Don't let anyone at my day job know I can code. 🤫
- I'm a management consultant by day 📈, software developer by night 💻
- I accidently moved a company to serverless, and as punishment they made me CTO 🦫
- I'm a Canadian 🇨🇦
- I'm a coffee nerd ☕
- bryanvaz/vfnet - A Virtual Function manager for network devices
- Significant-Gravitas/Auto-GPT - An experimental open-source attempt to make GPT-4 fully autonomous.
- bryanvaz/advent_2022 - Working through the basics to learn Go & Rust
- El Paraiso Lychee Castillo, Colombia - Castillo, Double Anaerobic Thermal Shock Washed - by Hatch, Toronto, ON
- Obaraat Farm - Eastern Haraz, Yemen - Jaadi, Dry Anaerobic Natural - by Hatch, Toronto, ON - from archive
- ルワンダ・シンビ(Simbi), Rwanda - Bourbon, Anaerobic Natural - by Create Coffee Lab, Mitsugawashimo, Ōita Prefecture
- Familia Morales Rivera, Ecuador - Sidra, Washed Anaerobic - by Passenger Coffee, Lancaster, PA
Archived coffee is from my archival freezer. While you might not be able to purchase it anymore, keep an eye on the producers and when their lots go up for auction next year. Ask whoever won the lot to place an order, or better yet, recommend it to your local roaster to bid on next year.
- Bempology by Jeff Stempeck
- Pivot by Kara Swisher and Scott Galloway
- Hard Fork by Kevin Roose and Casey Newton
- Six60
- Broods
🐈 relax, write some code, be a coffee drinking canadian nerd, and enjoy life 🍵 - paraphrased from another canadian