Password Locker is a terminal run python application that allows users to save and generate passwords for their various accounts in different sites.
Password Locker.
As a user of the terminal application you will be able to:
- Create an account
- Log into your account
- Add credentials for different accounts
- Store and generate passwords
- See a list of all your saved credentials
- Search for a saved credential
- Copy credentials to the clipboard
- Delete a saved credential
Behaviour | Input | Output |
Display codes for navigation | In terminal: $./ | Welcome, choose an option: ca-Create Account, li-Log In, ex-Exit |
Display prompt for creating an account | Enter: ca | Enter your first name, last name and password |
Display prompt for login in | Enter: li | Enter your account name and password |
Display codes for navigation | Successful login | Choose an option: cc - Create Credential, dc - Display Credentials, fc - Find Credential, cp - Copy Credential, del - Delete Credential, ex - exit |
Display prompt for creating a credential | Enter: cc | Enter the site name, your username and password |
Display a list of credentials | Enter: dc | Prints a list of saved credentials |
Find a credential | Enter: fc | Prints the searched credential |
Display prompt for which credential to copy | Enter: cp | Enter the site name of the credential you wish to copy. |
Deletes a saved credential | Enter: del | Prints success |
Exit application | Enter: ex | Exit the current navigation stage |
- python3.6
- pip
- pyperclip
- xclip
In your terminal:
$ git clone $ cd password-locker
To run the application, in your terminal:
$ chmod +x $ ./
To run the tests for the class file:
$ python3.6
- Python3.6
This application is developed using Python3.6. You can find more about this technology by clicking here.
Brian Major
Slack Me! @bryomajor