./sendMessage.sh - Send a notification message.
A simple bash script to send a notification message. It is currently supported for Slack when the user specify the Slack Webhook URL token.
./sendMessage.sh [-h ]
./sendMessage.sh [-d] [-l notify_level] -m notify_message
[-d] [-l notify_level] -m notify_message
-h Display this help message and exit
-m (required) Use notification massage for user input
-l (recommended) Use notification level for user input. You can set the notification level using the NOTIFY_LEVEL environment variable.
Valid values are 'good', 'info', and 'bad'.
-d (optional) Debug information
SLACK_WEBHOOK_PATH: Specify the Slack Webhook URL
In order to send Slack notification you must specify the Slack Webhook URL
in an environment variable called 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_PATH' like this:
You can use or create a new Slack Webhook URL using the following steps:
1. Go to Slack Integration page of your project (https://blue-alchemy.slack.com/services).
2. Find the Incoming WebHooks and Click on 'Configured'.
3. You can add new Webhook URL or select existing one.
SLACK_COLOR: Specify the color of the border along the left side of the message.
It is an optional environment variable.
The value can either be one of 'good', 'warning', 'danger', or any hex color code (eg. #439FE0).
If you set this optional environment, then, you don't need to set '-l notify_level' option when you call this script.
NOTIFY_FILTER: Specify the message filter level.
It is an optional environment variable.
The value can either be one of 'good', 'info', and 'bad'.
The table below show with 'X" wjen the notification message will be send based on setting notification level and NOTIFY_FILTER.
| notify_level | unknown | bad | good | info |
| unknown | X | X | X | X |
| bad | X | X | X | X |
| good | X | | X | X |
| info | | | | X |