This MGMLink repository consists of the workflow needed to generate the MGMLink knowledge graph. The KG is generated using a SnakeMake workflow, which calls python scripts that do the pre-processing of each data source, semantic representation, and ultimitely generation of a new edgelist and node file as MGMLink.
These instructions will provide the necessary environments, programs with installation instructions, and input files in order to run the snakefile, which will run this workflow from end to end.
The following dependencies are listed in the environment.yml file, and installed in the installation step. This software has only been tested on Unix based OS systems, not Windows.
- python>=3.8.*
- tqdm>=4.64.0
- gensim>=4.2.0
- numpy>=1.22.4
- csrgraph>=0.1.28
- nodevectors>=0.1.23
- rdflib>=6.2.0
Clone this repository and move into the main directory.
git clone
cd MGMLink
First, snakemake must be installed in a separate environment. For more details, visit Install mamba, which will be used to create the environment, using the following commands:
conda install mamba
mamba create -c conda-forge -c bioconda -n snakemake snakemake
conda activate snakemake
Next, the activated snakemake environment will be updated with all dependencies with the following command:
conda env update --file environment.yml --prune
The resources integrated into MGMLink are list below.
- GutMGene: see for the database and the publication by Cheng et al. for more information, The files listed below are located in the /KG_Resources folder of the repo, and will be used in the early stages of the workflow.
1. Gut_Microbe_and_Gene-human.txt
2. Gut_Microbe_and_Gene-mouse.txt
3. Gut_Microbe_and_Metabolite-human
4. Gut_Microbe_and_Metabolite-mouse.txt
- Microbe Relationships: Another file input in the /KG_Resources folder is a manually curated file of taxonomic relationships among the microbes included in gutMGene as defined by rdf:subClassOf.
- PheKnowLator: see the GCS bucket, and the publication by Callahan et al. for more information, The files below must be downloaded from the GCS bucket into the /KG_Resources folder of the repo, and will be used in the early stages of the workflow.
1. PheKnowLator_v3.0.2_full_instance_relationsOnly_OWLNETS_NodeLabels.txt
2. PheKnowLator_v3.0.2_full_instance_relationsOnly_OWLNETS_Triples_Identifiers.txt
To run the snakemake workflow, execute the following command once the input directory is prepared. This will take ~10 minutes to run:
snakemake --cores 1 -s Snakefile.yaml --verbose
All files will be output to the /Output folder within the repo.
1. LabelTypes_gutMGene_URI_LABEL_MAP.csv
Label type (microbe or other), uri identifier, curie, and name for all new nodes added from gutMGene
2. gutMGene_URI_LABEL_MAP.csv
Uri identifier, curie, and name fore all new nodes added from gutMGene
3. gutMGene_OTU_Pattern_Modifications.csv
OWL representation patterns for each assertion type from gutMGene
4. gutMGene_new_Properties.csv
New relations added not previously part of PheKnowLator KG
5. gutMGene_OWLNETS_Triples.csv
OWLNETS transformation into triples of OWL assertions from "gutMGene_OTU_Pattern_Modifications.csv" above (transformed into "gutMGene_OWLNETS_Triples_Brackets.txt" to align with PKL standards)
6. microbes_Triples.csv
Taxonomic relationships represented as triples for all microbes from gutMGene (transformed into "microbes_Triples_Brackets.txt" to align with PKL standards)
7. gutMGene_microbes_contextual_labels.csv
Node labels for all microbes in MGMLink
8. LabelTypes_gutMGene_URI_LABEL_MAP_contextual.csv
Node labels for all nodes from gutMGene in MGMLink
9. PheKnowLator_v3.0.2_full_instance_relationsOnly_OWLNETS_Triples_Integers_node2vecInput_withGutMGene_withMicrobes.txt
10. PheKnowLator_v3.0.2_full_instance_relationsOnly_OWLNETS_Triples_Integer_Identifier_Map_withGutMGene_withMicrobes.json,
11. PheKnowLator_v3.0.2_full_instance_relationsOnly_OWLNETS_Triples_node2vecInput_cleaned_withGutMGene_withMicrobes.txt
Intermediate files necessary for Node2Vec embeddings generation
1. PheKnowLator_v3.0.2_full_instance_relationsOnly_OWLNETS_NodeLabels_NewEntities.txt
Node labels for all nodes in MGMLink
2. PheKnowLator_v3.0.2_full_instance_relationsOnly_OWLNETS_Triples_Identifiers_withGutMGene_withMicrobes.txt
Edgelist for MGMLink
3. PheKnowLator_v3_node2vec_Embeddings.emb
Node2Vec vector embeddings for MGMLink (128 dimensions)
4. transe_embedding_mgmlink_embedding_.pkl
TransE vector embeddings for MGMLink (128 dimensions)