Characterization and closed-loop control of infrared thalamocortical stimulation produces spatially constrained single-unit responses
Source code for Coventry et al Characterization and closed-loop control of infrared thalamocortical stimulation produces spatially constrained single-unit responses. This repository includes all source code for Neural Analysis in both Matlab and Python.
If any code from this repository is used, we kindly ask that this paper is cited:
To run the Bayesian Inference programs, it is suggested to create a anaconda environment running Python 3.9 (tested version). Other python versions >= 3.6 should work, but not guarenteed. All packages listed in the requirements file should be installed. For each program, ensure specified data file (ie INS_statTable_MKV.csv for Bayesian Heirarchical Linear Regression) is loaded from the current working directory (ie data = pd.read_csv(...)). Running the program will automatically produce posterior plots and decision markers in the form of 95% credible regions. In an anaconda environment, code can be run as: