Create an online tool that takes a city name as an input and scrapes Wikipedia for information about their type of government, current mayor, website URL, and a photo; stores that information in a database; and displays that information as a profile.
A Python scraper using the Wikipedia and BeautifulSoup modules collects and stores to a Postgres database selected information about a given city. The information is then passed from Flask to an HTML template via Jinja templating to make a profile for each city with a distinct URL. At the top of the templates is a dropdown menu which allows switching between already collected cities and the ability to request a new city. The "other" option redirects to a page that takes the value of a simple input form, runs the scraper for the value, and finally redirects to the new page.
Hosted at:
Cities the scraper is known to work for:
New York City
Washington DC*
San Fransisco
Los Angeles
San Diego
*Known Bugs:
Washington DC: Need to enter "Washington DC" -- "Washington" will refer to the state, doesn't return a government type (because it's not listed in the table)
Denver: doesn't return an image
Richmond: Need to enter "Richmond, VA"
Before using either locally or hosted, run the manual scraper at the CLI at least once (example: python "New York City") in order to populate the table with at least one record.
export DATABASE_URL='postgresql:///[database]'
for me: export DATABASE_URL='postgresql:///ben'
Then: export FLASK_APP='' flask run
OR if hosting on heroku
heroku local web
Python script that uses flask to serve the front-end and handle the API requests.
Python script that searches wikipedia for user provided city name, scrapes the html, and stores the information in a postgres database.
HTML code that gets the scraped city data from flask and displays it. Provides functionality for choosing other cities to display.
HTML code that allows the user to submit a city name that does not currently exist in the database. Passes the name back to which runs and redirects to the new page.