An offline-first SPA using Vue.js, the WordPress REST API and Progressive Web Apps
Live version:
This is the code for the FullStackWeekly website. You can use it as a starter pack for your WordPress site as well.
Since WordPress can expose a REST API, this project uses Vue.js, Vue-router, Vuex, Vue-resource & Progressive Web App techniques to create an offline-first web client.
You can also fork the project and host it on Azure App Services with continuous integration using the deploy.cmd file (included)
Live version:
Make sure that Node v11 is installed.
- Modern JavaScript syntax with ES6 via babel.
- Module bundler via webpack.
- Components-based architecture via Vue.js.
- State management via Vuex.
- Cache busting via file-loader
- Progressive Web App enabled with service workers
- Offline capable with service workers, app cache
- CSS with Sass
First, install the WordPress plugins to enhance its REST API
- Better REST API Featured Images
- REST API Enabler
- WP REST API - filter fields
- WP REST API - Pure Taxonomies
Then, clone the repo or create a fork
$ git clone
Then, edit the config:
Then, edit the theme, routes and assets:
Finally, to run the project for development with hot reload:
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
Or, build the project for production:
$ npm run build
Setup a new site on Azure App Services https://[fullstackweekly] and as the path select your forked Github project.
Your site should be running on the path you created (https://[fullstackweekly]!
It should work offline as well and with every commit it will deploy the changes to Azure.
Once the user refreshes the site he will receive the new cached version immediately