***Note - all encoders are tentative - some can be removed (i.e. vertical aim)
- Autonomous
- Drive Base (Eric)
- Six wheels
- Two DC PWM CIM motors for each side
- Encoders - speed control and distance
- Six wheels
- Ball shooter (Nolan & Ben)
- Vertical angle aim
- Some sort of motor
- Screw shaft to lift platform
- Encoder
- Horizontal angle aim
- Encoder/potentiometer
- Drive base motors
- Shooting wheels
- Two DC PWM motors
- Start when shooting sequence begins
- Encoders
- Camera
- Vertical angle aim
- Multi-position switch - change auto modes (Philip)
- Some other auto modes that cross a defense and shoot in the high goal
- Reach defense
- Do nothing
- Drive Base (Eric)
- Teleop
- Drive Base (Eric)
- Two wheels
- Two DC PWM CIM motors for each side
- Drive
- Two joysticks - motors mapped to Y
- Encoders - speed control and distance
- Two wheels
- Ball Collection - Human controlled (Eric)
- One DC PWM CIM motor
- Start on ball collection sequence
- Pneumatic piston - raise angle
- One DC PWM CIM motor
- Ball Shooter (Nolan & Ben)
- Auto
- Vertical angle aim
- Some sort of motor
- Screw shaft to lift platform
- Encoder
- Horizontal angle aim
- Drive base motors
- Shooting wheels
- Two DC PWM motors
- Start when shooting sequence begins
- Encoders
- Vertical angle aim
- Human override - button on Ben’s joystick
- Shooting wheels - start with button on Ben’s joystick
- Two DC PWM motors
- Encoders
- Horizontal aim
- Drive base motors
- Mapped to x axis on Ben’s joystick
- Vertical aim
- Some sort of motor & screw system
- Mapped to y axis on Ben’s joystick
- Shooting wheels - start with button on Ben’s joystick
- Camera
- Auto
- Drive Base (Eric)