A simple gamemaker project brought to you by Brandon and Walrus.
Label priority: high: Must include in game or cannot be considered finished
May be included:
- Things that make the game look/feels good (eg. should the movement have slight acceleration or pure linear speed?)
Should not be included:
-Optimizations (Unless game runs ridiculously poorly on COMMON platforms (eg. Framerates consistently <60 on Windows 7))
medium: Will include in game if we decide it will add additional value + takes <1 day to implement + does not detract from high priority tasks for the day/week
May be included:
- Polish and details (eg. player idle animation)
low: Will likely not end up in the first iteration of complete product
May be included:
- Multiple projectiles (Since this game does not focus too much on projectile types. Projectiles are "implemented" as enemies)