In this repo, we provide the code for the two papers, i.e.,
MRNet:Unsupervised Scene Adaptation with Memory Regularization in vivo, IJCAI (2020)
MRNet+Rectifying: Rectifying Pseudo Label Learning via Uncertainty Estimation for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation, arXiv (2020) [中文介绍]
- Python 3.6
- GPU Memory >= 11G (e.g., GTX2080Ti or GTX1080Ti)
- Pytorch
Download [GTA5] and [Cityscapes] to run the basic code. Alternatively, you could download extra two datasets from [SYNTHIA] and [OxfordRobotCar].
Download The GTA5 Dataset
Download The SYNTHIA Dataset
Download The Cityscapes Dataset
Download The Oxford RobotCar Dataset
The data folder is structured as follows:
├── data/
│ ├── Cityscapes/
| | ├── data/
| | ├── gtFine/
| | ├── leftImg8bit/
│ ├── GTA5/
| | ├── images/
| | ├── labels/
| | ├── ...
│ ├── synthia/
| | ├── RGB/
| | ├── GT/
| | ├── Depth/
| | ├── ...
│ └── Oxford_Robot_ICCV19
| | ├── train/
| | ├── ...
python --snapshot-dir ./snapshots/SE_GN_batchsize2_1024x512_pp_ms_me0_classbalance7_kl0.1_lr2_drop0.1_seg0.5 --drop 0.1 --warm-up 5000 --batch-size 2 --learning-rate 2e-4 --crop-size 1024,512 --lambda-seg 0.5 --lambda-adv-target1 0.0002 --lambda-adv-target2 0.001 --lambda-me-target 0 --lambda-kl-target 0.1 --norm-style gn --class-balance --only-hard-label 80 --max-value 7 --gpu-ids 0,1 --often-balance --use-se
Generate Pseudo Label:
python --restore-from ./snapshots/SE_GN_batchsize2_1024x512_pp_ms_me0_classbalance7_kl0.1_lr2_drop0.1_seg0.5/GTA5_25000.pth
Stage-II (with recitfying pseudo label):
python --snapshot-dir ./snapshots/1280x640_restore_ft_GN_batchsize9_512x256_pp_ms_me0_classbalance7_kl0_lr1_drop0.2_seg0.5_BN_80_255_0.8_Noaug --restore-from ./snapshots/SE_GN_batchsize2_1024x512_pp_ms_me0_classbalance7_kl0.1_lr2_drop0.1_seg0.5/GTA5_25000.pth --drop 0.2 --warm-up 5000 --batch-size 9 --learning-rate 1e-4 --crop-size 512,256 --lambda-seg 0.5 --lambda-adv-target1 0 --lambda-adv-target2 0 --lambda-me-target 0 --lambda-kl-target 0 --norm-style gn --class-balance --only-hard-label 80 --max-value 7 --gpu-ids 0,1,2 --often-balance --use-se --input-size 1280,640 --train_bn --autoaug False
*** If you want to run the code without recitfying pseudo label, please change [this line] to 'from trainer_ms import AD_Trainer', which would apply the conventional pseudo label learning. ***
python --restore-from ./snapshots/1280x640_restore_ft_GN_batchsize9_512x256_pp_ms_me0_classbalance7_kl0_lr1_drop0.2_seg0.5_BN_80_255_0.8_Noaug/GTA5_25000.pth
The trained model is available at
Core code is relatively simple, and could be directly applied to other works.