The Software Package Data Exchange (SPDX) specification is a standard format for communicating the components, licenses and copyrights associated with a software package.
These tools are published by the SPDX Workgroup see
The command line interface of the spdx tools can be used like this:
java -jar spdx-tools-jar-with-dependencies.jar <function> <parameters>
The following converter tools are provided by the spdx tools:
- TagToSpreadsheet
- TagToRDF
- RdfToTag
- RdfToHtml
- RdfToSpreadsheet
- SpreadsheetToRDF
- SpreadsheetToTag
Example to convert a SPDX file from tag to rdf format:
java -jar spdx-tools-jar-with-dependencies.jar TagToRDF Examples/SPDXTagExample.tag TagToRDF.rdf
Example to compare two SPDX files provided in rdf format:
java -jar spdx-tools-jar-with-dependencies.jar CompareSpdxDocs doc1 doc2 [output]
Example to compare multiple SPDX files provided in rdf format and provide a spreadsheet with the results:
java -jar spdx-tools-jar-with-dependencies.jar CompareMultipleSpdxDocs output.xls doc1 doc2 ... docN
- SPDXViewer
- PrettyPrinter
Sample usage:
java -jar spdx-tools-jar-with-dependencies.jar PrettyPrinter TestFiles/SPDXRdfExample.rdf
java -jar spdx-tools-jar-with-dependencies.jar LicenseRDFAGenerator licenseSpreadsheet.xls outputDirectory [version] [releasedate]
GenerateVerificationCode sourceDirectory
java -jar spdx-tools-jar-with-dependencies.jar GenerateVerificationCode sourceDirectory [ignoredFilesRegex]
See the NOTICE file for licensing information including info from 3rd Party Software
See LICENSE file for full license text
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
PackageLicenseDeclared: Apache-2.0
You need Apache Maven to build the project:
mvn clean install
To update SPDX tools, the following is a very brief checklist:
- Update the SpdxRdfContants with any new or changed RDF properties and classes
- Update the Java code representing the RDF model.
- Update the properties files in the org.spdx.tag package for any new tag values
- Update the for any new or changed tag values. This will implement both the rdfToTag and the SPDXViewer applications.
- Update the org.spdx.tag.BuildDocument to implement changes for the TagToRdf application
- Update the HTML template (resources/htmlTemplate/SpdxHTMLTemplate.html) and contexts in org.spdx.html to implement changes for the SpdxToHtml application
- Update the related sheets and file in the package org.spdx.spreadsheet
- Update the sheets and SpdxComparer/SpdxFileComparer in the package