Check dangerous code in your php repo You can check many repos in the same time It is good for monitor your php server code if there is any new/modified not by you (via crontab)
bash -x
update .env file
TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN: telegram bot token
TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID: telegram chat id. How to get your group/channel chat id?
You should add @getidsbot, then it will print your chat id
> ./ -h
Usage: [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m MINUTES, --minute=MINUTES
-m --minute last modify minutes to check default is
check all time
-t TERMINAL, --terminal=TERMINAL
-t --terminal show output in terminal default is 0
-n NOTIFY, --notify=NOTIFY
-n --notify notify result to telegram default is 0
-r REPOS, --repo=REPOS
-r --repo repo to check - dir path default is current
-M IF_MODIFY, --send-if-only-modified=IF_MODIFY
-M --send-if-only-modify send email if only modified
> ./ -t 1 -n 1 -m 60 -r ~/git/phpmyadmin/
start check repo /home/quydo/git/phpmyadmin/
/home/quydo/git/phpmyadmin/shell-test.php:shell_exec("rm -rf /tmp/aaa");
--- /home/quydo/git/phpmyadmin/shell-test.php
Telegram group message
--------------- /home/quydo/git/phpmyadmin --------------
/home/quydo/git/phpmyadmin/shell-test.php--- shell_exec("rm -rf /tmp/aaa");
------------ modified files ------------
--- /home/quydo/git/phpmyadmin/shell-test.php
-t 1 means print to stdout (your screen)
-m 60: just find files that modified within 60 minutes
-n 1: send notification to telegram group/channel
-r ~/git/phpmyadmin: just check this repository code. You can add more repository to check at the same time, ex: ./ -t 1 -m 30 -r ~/git/phpmyadmin/ -r /tmp/new-repo-to-check
In the example code, there is dangerous code found
/home/quydo/git/phpmyadmin/shell-test.php:shell_exec("rm -rf /tmp/aaa");
if you know you what you do, you can try to change keywords variable
You can set crontab (linux) to monitor your server code, for example every 3 minutes
sh */3 * * * * /path/to/ -t 1 -m 3 -r /path/to/php-repo-1 -r /path/to/php-repo-2