A GArry's mod Discord Integration System
A: If I don't have it implemented, feel free to fork it, DIY, and submit a PR or create a ticket on this repo. Tickets on the sub-repositories will be ignored.
A: It could be adapted for any source engine game, since it uses RCON for the ranks, but Gadis was made specifically for a GMod server called Build, Kill, Chill. I have no intention of making it available to any other game my self, so if you want it to work for other games feel free to fork it. If you make it where it is compatible with multiple games, feel free to submit a PR.
Links to downloads are pending
The whole project depends on MySQL database that all services can connect to.
- ULib/ULX
- Python 3.5+
- Discord.py
- Python-Valve
- steam (ValvePython)
- MySQL-Python (mysqlclient for Python3)
- Uncompyle6 (Optional for gadis-remote to read port in settings, can be changed manually)
Instructions are pending