The [Holidays Web Service](https://feiertage of Julian Richter provides access to German holidays in JSON format.
The tool is based on the information provided by On the Wikipedia page it can be seen that some holidays do not apply throughout Germany, but at the state level. The information mentioned there is integrated in the tool.
There may also be special comments on certain holidays (see Wikipedia page). These comments are also included in the tool.
Note: For the use of the web service using PHP, the creators have provided a sample connector class that anyone can use. It can be found here.
Applying the web service requires a GET-request to the following URL:
All parameters are simple GET parameters that are appended to the URL.
Parameter: jahr
Mandatory parameter that can take any year in numerical form, e.g. 2014
Parameter: nur_land
If set, only holidays of the selected state are displayed. Possible values:
- BW
- BY
- BE
- BB
- HB
- HH
- HE
- MV
- NI
- NW
- RP
- SL
- SN
- ST
- SH
- TH
NATIONAL=Nationally recognized holidays, BW=Baden-Württemberg, BY=Bayern, BE=Berlin, BB=Brandenburg, HB=Bremen, HH=Hamburg, HE=Hessen, MV=Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, NI=Niedersachsen, NW=Nordrhei-Westfalen, RP=Rheinland-Pfalz, SL=Saarland, SN=Sachsen, ST=Sachsen-Anhalt, SH=Schleswig-Holstein, TH=Thüringen.
Parameter: nur_daten
If set (value does not matter, e.g. to 1), then no state-specific information is returned. Instead, all German holidays as well as their date are returned.
Parameter: callback
If set, then the output is embedded in a JSONP function.
holidays=$(curl -m 60 '')