Beautifully redesigned Dashboard UI for TeamWave's Organizational Profile with Bunifu UI Framework.
We took to redesigning TeamWave's Dashboard UI as a mockup of Bilal CK's artistry using Bunifu's UI Framework.
If you'll be running the solution in Visual Studio, please ensure you have a copy of Bunifu UI Framework to proceed in doing so. However, a copy of the executable is included in the project's Debug folder.
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 and above.
- Bunifu UI Framework (Premium version)
By default, you will require .NET 4.5 and above to run the executable on client machines; this can however be modified in Visual Studio by changing the .NET reference-setting in the Project Tab under TeamWave Dashboard Demonstration Properties... to work with .NET 4.0.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.