This module provides a simple wrapper for the PHP_FFmpeg library, exposing the library as a ZendFramework service.
Add this project to your composer.json:
"require": { "buonaparte/bnp-ffmpeg-module": "dev-master" }
Now tell composer to download BnpFFMpegModule by running the command:
$ php composer.phar update
Enabling it in your application.config.php
return array(
'modules' => array(
// ...
// ...
Configure the module, by copying and adjusting config/module.config.php.dist
to your config include path:
$ffmpegConfig = array(
'configuration' => array(
'ffmpeg.threads' => 4,
'ffmpeg.timeout' => 300,
'ffmpeg.binaries' => '/opt/local/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg',
* Custom logger service, must resolve to a Psr\Logger\LoggerInterface instance pulled from the ServiceManager
'logger' => 'ffmpeg_logger',
* Custom FFProbe service, pulled from the ServiceManager
'ffprobe' => 'ffprobe_service'
return array(
* Root Module configuration
'bnp-ffmpeg-module' => array(
* For single ffmpeg service instance you can just uncomment the bellow line
// 'ffmpeg' => $ffmpegConfig,
* For multiple ffmpeg services with different configuration you will specify them in an array,
* from to the service name to service configuration
// 'ffmpeg' => array(
// 'FFMpeg1' => array_merge_recursive($ffmpegConfig, array()),
// 'FFMpeg2' => array_merge_recursive($ffmpegConfig, array()),
// ),
* FFProbe configuration
'ffprobe' => array(
'configuration' => array(
'ffprobe.timeout' => 30,
'ffprobe.binaries' => '/opt/local/ffmpeg/bin/ffprobe',
* Custom logger service must resolve to a Psr\Logger\LoggerInterface instance pulled from the ServiceManager
'logger' => 'ffprobe_logger',
* Custom cache service must resolve to a Doctrine\Common\Cache\Cache instance pulled from the ServiceManager
'cache' => 'ffprobe_cache'
* Service Manager config
'service_manager' => array(
// 'factories' => array(
// /**
// * FFProbe service factory
// */
// 'FFProbe' => 'BnpFFMpegModule\Factory\FFProbeServiceFactory',
// /**
// * For single ffmpeg service instance you can just register the factory for the service name
// */
// 'FFMpeg' => 'BnpFFMpegModule\Factory\FFMpegServiceFactory'
// ),
// 'abstract_factories' => array(
// /**
// * For multiple ffmpeg service instances you must register the FFMpeg abstract factory
// */
// 'BnpFFMpegModule\Factory\FFMpegAbstractServiceFactory'
// )
$ffmpeg = $serviceLocator->get('FFMpeg');
// Open video
$video = $ffmpeg->open('/your/source/folder/input.avi');
// Resize to 720x480
->resize(new Dimension(720, 480), ResizeFilter::RESIZEMODE_INSET)
// Start transcoding and save video
$video->save(new X264(), '/your/target/folder/video.mp4');