Current version: 0.2.0 (10th of may 2013)
ZfcRbac is an access control module for Zend Framework 2 geared towards quick & easy setup. Getting access control working should take you less than 5 minutes.
- PHP 5.3 or higher
- Zend Framework 2
Installation of ZfcRbac uses composer. For composer documentation, please refer to
cd my/project/directory
create a
file with following contents:{ "require": { "zf-commons/zfc-rbac": "dev-master" } }
install composer via
curl -s | php
(on windows, download and execute it with PHP) -
php composer.phar install
and add the following key to yourmodules
Providers are listeners that hook into various events to provide roles and permissions. ZfcRbac ships with several providers that you can use out of the box:
- Generic Providers:
- Permission (Generic\DoctrineDbal): Uses DoctrineDBAL to configure permissions.
- Permission (Generic\InMemory): In memory permission adapter used primarily for testing or small sites.
- Role (Generic\InMemory): In memory role adapter used primarily for testing or small sites.
- Role (AdjacencyList\Role): Used for pre-loading roles in an adjacency list style.
- Lazy (NestedSet\DoctrineDbal): Used to lazy-load permissions/roles from DoctrineDBAL. This is used to for sites with lots of permissions/roles so that the entire tree isn't in memory. It also uses the nested set model rather than adjacency list for performant tree reads. It's recommended to use this adapter standalone.
See the module.config.php file for sample setups.
If you're willing to use a provider requiring SQL. You can use the data/schema.sql
file to help you install the tables.
Firewalls protect your resources by allowing access only to the roles you specify. By default, two firewall types are provided:
- Route: Protects your routes.
- Controller: Protects controllers.
By default, only controller access is enabled. See the module.config.php file for sample setups.
The identity provider is a service alias setup to provide a working identity to ZfcRbac. The default alias is
to use Zend\Authentication\AuthenticationService, but can be changed via the identity_provider
key in configuration.
The object returned by the identity provider must implement ZfcRbac\Identity\IdentityInterface
An isGranted($permission)
view helper and controller plugin is available. To use, simply pass a permission to check
for access.
Add this code in a
file into your config/autoload
return array(
'zfcrbac' => array(
'firewalls' => array(
'ZfcRbac\Firewall\Controller' => array(
array('controller' => 'index', 'actions' => 'index', 'roles' => 'guest')
'ZfcRbac\Firewall\Route' => array(
array('route' => 'profiles/add', 'roles' => 'member'),
array('route' => 'admin/*', 'roles' => 'administrator')
'providers' => array(
'ZfcRbac\Provider\AdjacencyList\Role\DoctrineDbal' => array(
'connection' => 'doctrine.connection.orm_default',
'options' => array(
'table' => 'rbac_role',
'id_column' => 'role_id',
'name_column' => 'role_name',
'join_column' => 'parent_role_id'
'ZfcRbac\Provider\Generic\Permission\DoctrineDbal' => array(
'connection' => 'doctrine.connection.orm_default',
'options' => array(
'permission_table' => 'rbac_permission',
'role_table' => 'rbac_role',
'role_join_table' => 'rbac_role_permission',
'permission_id_column' => 'perm_id',
'permission_join_column'=> 'perm_id',
'role_id_column' => 'role_id',
'role_join_column' => 'role_id',
'permission_name_column'=> 'perm_name',
'role_name_column' => 'role_name'
'identity_provider' => 'standard_identity'
'service_manager' => array(
'factories' => array(
'standard_identity' => function ($sm) {
$roles = array('guest','member','admin');
$identity = new \ZfcRbac\Identity\StandardIdentity($roles);
return $identity;
Protecting your services is as easy as injecting the ZfcRbac service into your services. You can then use
the provided isGranted($role)
method to check if access is allowed.
For example,
class NewService
protected $rbac;
public function __construct(\ZfcRbac\Service\Rbac $rbac)
$this->rbac = $rbac;
public function createPost()
if (!$this->rbac->isGranted('PERMISSION_MANAGE_NEWS')) {
// code
// code
Dynamic assertions are available by passing an instance of ZfcRbac\AssertionInterface or a Closure to isGranted() as the second parameter. For example,
$event = new \My\Event;
// Verify the user has both event.update permission and that the user id matches the event user id
$rbac->isGranted('event.update', function($rbac) use ($event) {
return $rbac->getIdentity()->getId() === $event->getUserId();