Vim plugin for gotests, that allows you to generate table driven tests easily.
Call :GoTests
to generate a test for the function at the current line or functions selected in visual mode.
Call :GoTestsAll
to generate tests for all functions in the current buffer.
Gotests-vim requires gotests to be available in your $PATH
. Alternatively you
can provide path to gotests using g:gotests_bin
Plugin installation:
- Pathogen
git clone ~/.vim/bundle/gotests-vim
- vim-plug
Plug 'buoto/gotests-vim'
- NeoBundle
NeoBundle 'buoto/gotests-vim'
- Vundle
Plugin 'buoto/gotests-vim'
- Vim packages (since Vim 7.4.1528)
git clone ~/.vim/pack/plugins/start/gotests-vim
If you want you can set path to your gotests binary if it's not in your path, for example:
let g:gotests_bin = '/home/user/go/bin/gotests'
You can also set custom template directory:
let g:gotests_template_dir = '/home/user/templates/'