A helper library that shortens the classes and actions in the Discordjs library. Documents for installing and using npm are available below. It is an open source library.
Class | Corresponding |
Configuration | Commands file,Prefix Commands File, Events file and isChatInputCommand() - (type: function) |
Tools | ItentsAll-> Receives all intents |
TextSelectBox | StringSelectMenuBuilder, StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder |
UserSelectBox | UserSelectMenuBuilder |
Button | ButtonBuilder, ButtonStyle |
ButtonAction | Collector Action |
Modal | ModalBuilder, TextInputBuilder, TextInputStyle |
ModalAction | interactionCreate and isModalSubmit Action |
MessageSender | EmbedBuilder |
ActionRow | ActionRowBuilder() and addComponents() - (type: function) |
Command | SlashCommandBuilder |
Event | Event action |
Affix | Prefix Command |
EmojiReact | messageReaction Event |
Crumbs | Helper functions |
npm i discordjs-helper-pack
const { Configuration } = require('discordjs-helper-pack')
// incessary information
client: client,
dirname: __dirname,
commandsFileName: 'commands', // commands file
eventsFileName: 'events', // events file
chatInputCommand: true, // command interaction
//prefix configurations
prefix: 'm!',
prefixCommandsFileName: 'prefixCommands'
const { Tools } = require('discordjs-helper-pack')
const { ItentsAll } = new Tools()
new Client({
intents: ItentsAll()
const { TextSelectBox } = require('discordjs-helper-pack')
const { ActionRow } = require('discord-helper-pack')
# customId, title
const textbox = new TextSelectBox('horoscope','Horoscope')
default: label, value
textbox.add(label, value, description, boxDefault, emoji)
textbox.add('Aquarius', 'aquarius', 'choose Aquarius')
const select = textbox.build()
// irrelevant
const { UserSelectBox } = require('discordjs-helper-pack')
default: customId, description
const select = new UserSelectBox(customId, description).build()
const select = new UserSelectBox(customId, placeholder, max, min, disabled,setUsers,addUsers).build()
const { Button } = require('discordjs-helper-pack')
const button = new Button()
default value: customId, label, buttonStyle
// example
btn.add("example", "this is a example", btn.style.Secondary)
// and others values
emoji, disabled
btn.add("example", "this is a example", btn.style.Secondary, "emoji", true)
const btns = btn.build()
// use example
i.reply({components: [btns]})
const { ButtonAction } = require('discordjs-helper-pack')
const action = new ButtonAction(interaction)
action.on(async (interaction)=>{
await interaction.reply('btn1 clicked!')
action.end(async (interaction)=>{})
const { Modal } = require('discordjs-helper-pack')
new Modal(customId, title)
default: customId, label
.add(customId, label)
// other
.add(customId, label, value, {paragraph, required, placeholder, max, min})
// example
const modal = new Modal('user', 'User İnformation')
modal.add('firstname', 'First Name')
modal.add('lastname', 'Last Name')
// ready
const built = modal.build()
// oth
const { ModalAction } = require('discordjs-helper-pack')
new ModalAction()
.on(async(interaction)=> {})
// Real Example
const modalAction = new ModalAction()
if(interaction.customId == "userform"){
// codes
const { ActionRow } = require('discord-helper-pack')
ActionRow(btn1, btn2, btn3)
const { Command } = require('discordjs-helper-pack')
const c = new Command(command name, command description)
c.command.addRoleOption() // SlashCommandBuilder features
c.build(async(interaction)=>{}) // function
// example
module.exports = new Command('command name', 'command description')
.build(async (interaction)=>{
await interaction.reply('oldu')
const { Event } = require('discordjs-helper-pack')
once: default value = false
new Event('event name', once?)
.build(async(client, event)=>{})
new Event('ready', true).build(async(client, event)=>{})
const { Affix } = require('discordjs-helper-pack')
module.exports = new Affix('Test Command', description?, usage?)
.build('test', async (message, helper)=>{})
enabled default value: true
.build(commandName, func, enabled)
// helper features
.client => client
.getUser() => message.author.id
.getArgs() => message.content.split(' ')
.bot() => message.author.bot
new EmojiReact(content or embed, channelId, client)
.build(emoji, addFunc, removeFunc, updateFunc)
// example
new EmojiReact(content or embed, channelId, client)
.build('🦁', async(reaction, user)=>{}, async(reaction, user)=>{}, async(reaction, user)=>{})
const { Crumbs } = require('discordjs-helper-pack')
const crumbs = new Crumbs()
crumbs.randomColor() // random color function