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This project is for creating mock API and Real-Time testing.

API Project (Back-end)


Getting Started

Project Overview


Use your preferred editor or IDE that supports Clojure/ClojureScript development. See Clojure tools for some popular options.

Environment Setup

  1. Install JDK 8 or later (Java Development Kit)
  2. Install Node.js (JavaScript runtime environment) which should include NPM or if your Node.js installation does not include NPM also install it.
  3. Install Chrome or Chromium version 59 or later (headless test environment)
    • For Chromium, set the CHROME_BIN environment variable in your shell to the command that launches Chromium. For example, in Ubuntu, add the following line to your .bashrc:
      export CHROME_BIN=chromium-browser
  4. Install clj-kondo (linter)
  5. Clone this repo and open a terminal in the mock-ui project root directory
  6. (Optional) Setup lint cache:
    clj-kondo --lint "$(npx shadow-cljs classpath)"
  7. Setup

linting in your editor


Running the App

Start a temporary local web server, build the app with the dev profile, and serve the app, browser test runner and karma test runner with hot reload:

npm install
npx shadow-cljs watch app


npm run watch

Please be patient; it may take over 20 seconds to see any output, and over 40 seconds to complete.

When [:app] Build completed appears in the output, browse to http://localhost:8280/.

Connecting to the browser REPL from your editor

See Shadow CLJS User's Guide: Editor Integration. Note that npm run watch runs npx shadow-cljs watch for you, and that this project's running build ids is app, browser-test, karma-test, or the keywords :app, :browser-test, :karma-test in a Clojure context.

Alternatively, search the web for info on connecting to a shadow-cljs ClojureScript browser REPL from your editor and configuration.

For example, in Vim / Neovim with fireplace.vim

  1. Open a .cljs file in the project to activate fireplace.vim
  2. In normal mode, execute the Piggieback command with this project's running build id, :app:
    :Piggieback :app

Connecting to the browser REPL from a terminal

  1. Connect to the shadow-cljs nREPL:

    lein repl :connect localhost:8777

    The REPL prompt, shadow.user=>, indicates that is a Clojure REPL, not ClojureScript.

  2. In the REPL, switch the session to this project's running build id, :app:

    (shadow.cljs.devtools.api/nrepl-select :app)

    The REPL prompt changes to cljs.user=>, indicating that this is now a ClojureScript REPL.

  3. See user.cljs for symbols that are immediately accessible in the REPL without needing to require.

Running Tests

Build the app with the prod profile, start a temporary local web server, launch headless Chrome/Chromium, run tests, and stop the web server:

npm install
npm run ci

Please be patient; it may take over 15 seconds to see any output, and over 25 seconds to complete.

Or, for auto-reload:

npm install
npm run watch

Then in another terminal:

karma start


Build the app with the prod profile:

npm install
npm run release


docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d


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