Make sure you have installed the following:
- Visual Studio Code
- NodeJS
- Composer
- Git
- GitHub Desktop (Optional)
- Open XAMPP Control Panel
- Start Apache & MySQL servers
- Search http://localhost/phpmyadmin in any browser
- Create new database and name it 'philsilat'
- Clone the repository with CLI or GitHub Desktop
- Open Visual Studio Code
- Choose a folder where you want to clone the repository in File > Open Folder
- Open Visual Studio Code terminal (Ctrl + `) and enter the following commands:
Clone the repository
git clone
Change terminal directory
cd philsilat
- Open GitHub Desktop
- Clone the repository in File > Clone Repository
Select URL tab and paste the following:
- Choose a folder where you want to clone the repository and then Clone
- Open the cloned repository in Visual Studio Code in Repository > Open in Visual Studio Code
Install composer to the project
composer install
Install npm to the project
npm install
Create .env
copy .env.example .env
Generate new app key
php artisan key:generate
Run the migration and seed
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
Start local development server for your laravel app
php artisan serve
Open new terminal and start local development server for node
npm run dev