T6e is a small tool (no dependencies, 50 lines of code) to scaffold any local template and speed up the creation of files in a project using your custom templates or templates from the community.
It will make you save seconds at every file scaffolding, minutes every day. hours every month.
And you will not need to copy/past/delete anymore to duplicate a file.
We developers are lazy and we love our way of writing code.
Everytime we create new file, we already have its template in mind.
Now you can write that template once, and use it anytime with your custom params.
Suppose you love Svelte (or any other framework).
Suppose you love tailwind (or any other custom library you want to always integrate in your files).
You can save your perfect template into a file. With your custom libraries and your custom snippets.
Then you can re-use it to scaffold your components based on your template.
Let's look at the Svelte example. Here I'm creating a template with a $name
This parameter can be used in the file name and in the file content.
And you may have as many parameters as you like.
They will all be replaced properly.
Here is a template example for svelte:
<script lang="ts">
// saved as $name.svelte somewhere
import { createEventDispatcher } from 'svelte';
import { writable } from 'svelte/store';
const dispatch = createEventDispatcher();
const store = writable({
hello: ""
<div class="$name">
<style lang="scss">
.$name {
@apply block
Suppose you save it in templates/$name.svelte
Now run
npx t6e templates/$name.svelte src/components name=counter
And boom!!
You now have a new svelte component in src/components/counter.svelte
was replaced with "counter".
The content is as follows:
<script lang='ts'>
import { createEventDispatcher } from "svelte";
import { writable } from "svelte/store";
const dispatch = createEventDispatcher();
const store = writable({
hello: "",
<div class='counter'>
<style lang='scss'>
.counter {
@apply block;