Background subtraction and image classification for stationary cameras in ecological videos.
DeepMeerkat was supported by a Open Data Fellow from Segment
DeepMeerkat has been tested on Windows 10, OSX Sierra 10.12.16, and Linux (Debian)
- Installers for a GUI interface are available for Mac and Windows
If not running an installer, DeepMeerkat requires
- Tensorflow
- OpenCV
Please note that on Windows, Tensorflow requires python 3.5. On Mac >2.7 will work fine.
Command line arguments can be found here
Set up google cloud environment. See the section "Set up and test your Cloud environment". You will need a operating GCP account, gsutil on your local machine, and the Cloud Machine Learning Engine API authenticated. While its greatly recommended to use google cloud, a slower local training example is in the 'local' branch of this repo.
Retrain a neural network for a two class classification. DeepMeerkat requires a tensorflow model in the SavedModel format. These classes correspond to "positive" and "negative". Positive are frames that the user is interested in reviewing, negative are frames that can be ignored. I suggest following this tutorial.
I provide example scripts that will help smooth out this process scripts. This example from google is the inspiration for the approach. In future, I hope to provide a web platform to automate this process for local deployment.
- Collect data
DeepMeerkat comes with a training mode to help automate this process. Select advanced settings -> training mode. This will return all frames of motion, regardless of predicted foreground/background probability.
Example output looks like this:
From this output you need to score with the underscores. So 33_0.jpg is the first bounding box returned in frame 33. If there was two crops, there would also be 33_1.jpg. Don't score 33.jpg (for the moment). Put all the crops that have the target organism into into a folder called Positives. Put all the crops that do not have the target organism into a folder called Negatives.
One thing to keep in mind is that the final dataset you will use needs to be balanced (# of Positives = # of Negatives). So while you can score every single negative in a video (there will be many), once you have roughly equal to the number of positives, just move to the next video.
Let's say I have a folder of positive images, and a folder of negative images. I need to
- Upload them into a google bucket
- Create a .csv file that links the labels to the images.
- Train a neural network using Google's tensorflow and Cloud Machine Learning Engine
- Ensure that dict.txt matches here, don't change the order. DeepMeerkat (for the moment), has only been tested on a 2 class (foreground versus background) model.
This can be done in Your paths will no doubt be different than mine.
Let's start by declaring some variables.
declare -r PROJECT=$(gcloud config list project --format "value(core.project)")
declare -r BUCKET="gs://${PROJECT}-ml"
declare -r MODEL_NAME="DeepMeerkat"
declare -r JOB_ID="${MODEL_NAME}_$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S)"
declare -r GCS_PATH="${BUCKET}/${MODEL_NAME}/${JOB_ID}"
Either upload or update your bucket with newly labeled images. Change "/Users/Ben/Dropbox/GoogleCloud/Training" to your correct paths.
#make sure paths are updated
gsutil rsync -d /Users/Ben/Dropbox/GoogleCloud/Training/Positives/ gs://api-project-773889352370-ml/Hummingbirds/Training/Positives
gsutil rsync -d /Users/Ben/Dropbox/GoogleCloud/Training/Negatives/ gs://api-project-773889352370-ml/Hummingbirds/Training/Negatives
Along with those images, you need a document specifying their path and label. Modify to point to your designed bucket and location.
#Create Docs
Its nice to know how many evaluation samples we have, again, your path will be different
#get eval set size
eval=$(gsutil cat gs://api-project-773889352370-ml/Hummingbirds/testingdata.csv | wc -l)
############ #Train Model ############
Using Google's pipeline for retraining inception. Change "gs://api-project-773889352370-ml/Hummingbirds" to your bucket address.
python \
--project ${PROJECT} \
--cloud \
--train_input_path gs://api-project-773889352370-ml/Hummingbirds/trainingdata.csv \
--eval_input_path gs://api-project-773889352370-ml/Hummingbirds/testingdata.csv \
--input_dict gs://api-project-773889352370-ml/Hummingbirds/dict.txt \
--deploy_model_name "DeepMeerkat" \
--gcs_bucket ${BUCKET} \
--output_dir "${GCS_PATH}/" \
--eval_set_size ${eval}
You can check on the status of the cloud dataflow run, which should look like this:
The pipeline will then take those features and fine tune the network using Cloud Machine Learning Engine
This will result in a SavedModel object in your output_dir.
Now download that folder
gsutil cp -r ${GCS_PATH}/model .
When you run DeepMeerkat, this is the path you supply for your model. Either in the advanced settings (GUI) or --path_to_model from command line.