This is my personal portfolio to learn React and show my various skills with programming.
## React Router:
- Steps for local:
- Inside your react folder
- use `npx create-react-app react-router` or `js-generate`
- Steps for CodeSandBox:
- Create a new sandbox
- Update the name to be react-router
### React Router Goal:
- The website should have a navigation of Home, About, Contact, and Blog
- Using react-router-dom make sure all the routes go to each individual page
- For instance, if I click on About it should take me to localhost:3000/about and render the About component
### React Router Hints:
- Create a navigation.js file
- Create a home, about, contact and blog file
- You will need BrowserRouter, Route, Switch, and NavLink for all of this to work correctly
### React Router Extra Credit:
- Style the active class
- Create a no-match component to be a catch-all for routes that don't exist
- Create a slug-detail component and make it render the slug URL