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Serverless Plugins allow users to extend or overwrite the framework's core functionality. Many of these plugins are contributed by our amazing community members! 🎉
This repository is meant to be the one stop shop for all the awesome plugins out there in the serverless ecosytem.
If you have ideas for features or plugins, add a new thread in the issues.
Plugin | Stats |
Alexa Plugin - serverless-alexa-plugin by rajington Serverless plugin to support Alexa Lambda events |
Alexa Skills - serverless-alexa-skills by marcy-terui Manage your Alexa Skills with Serverless Framework. |
Aliyun Function Compute - serverless-aliyun-function-compute by aliyun Serverless Alibaba Cloud Function Compute Plugin |
Api Cloudfront - serverless-api-cloudfront by Droplr Plugin that adds CloudFront distribution in front of your API Gateway for custom domain, CDN caching and access log. |
Api Stage - serverless-api-stage by leftclickben Serverless API Stage plugin, enables stage variables and logging for AWS API Gateway. |
Apib Validator - serverless-apib-validator by onlicar Validate that an API Blueprint has full coverage over a Serverless config |
Apig S3 - serverless-apig-s3 by sdd Serve static front-end content from S3 via the API Gateway and deploy client bundle to S3. |
Apigateway Plugin - serverless-apigateway-plugin by GFG Configure the AWS api gateway: Binary support, Headers and Body template mappings |
Apigw Binary - serverless-apigw-binary by maciejtreder Plugin to enable binary support in AWS API Gateway. |
Apigwy Binary - serverless-apigwy-binary by ryanmurakami Serverless plugin for configuring API Gateway to return binary responses |
Appsync Plugin - serverless-appsync-plugin by sid88in Serverless Plugin to deploy AppSync GraphQL API |
Attach Managed Policy - serverless-attach-managed-policy by Nordstrom A Serverless plugin to automatically attach an AWS Managed IAM Policy (or Policies) to all IAM Roles created by the Service. |
Aws Alerts - serverless-plugin-aws-alerts by ACloudGuru A Serverless plugin to easily add CloudWatch alarms to functions |
Aws Alias - serverless-aws-alias by HyperBrain This plugin enables use of AWS aliases on Lambda functions. |
Aws Documentation - serverless-aws-documentation by 9cookies Serverless plugin to add documentation and models to the serverless generated API Gateway |
Aws Nested Stacks - serverless-aws-nested-stacks by concon121 Yet another AWS nested stack plugin! |
Aws Resolvers - serverless-plugin-aws-resolvers by DopplerLabs Resolves variables from ESS, RDS, or Kinesis for serverless services |
Aws Resource Names - serverless-aws-resource-names by concon121 Serverless plugin to alter the default naming conventions for sls resources via a simple mapping file. |
Bespoken - serverless-plugin-bespoken by bespoken Creates a local server and a proxy so you don't have to deploy anytime you want to test your code |
Bind Deployment Id - serverless-plugin-bind-deployment-id by jacob-meacham A Serverless plugin to bind the randomly generated deployment resource to your custom resources |
Browserifier - serverless-plugin-browserifier by digitalmaas Reduce the size and speed up your Node.js based lambda's using browserify. |
Browserify - serverless-plugin-browserify by doapp-ryanp Speed up your node based lambda's |
Build Plugin - serverless-build-plugin by nfour A Node.js focused build plugin for serverless. |
Canary Deployments - serverless-plugin-canary-deployments by davidgf A Serverless plugin to implement canary deployments of Lambda functions |
Cf Vars - serverless-cf-vars by kabo Enables use of AWS pseudo functions and Fn::Sub string substitution |
Cfauthorizer - serverless-plugin-cfauthorizer by SC5 This plugin allows you to define your own API Gateway Authorizers as the Serverless CloudFormation resources and apply them to HTTP endpoints. |
Chrome - serverless-plugin-chrome by adieuadieu Plugin which bundles and ensures that Headless Chrome/Chromium is running when your AWS Lambda function handler is invoked. |
Cljs Plugin - serverless-cljs-plugin by nervous-systems Enables Clojurescript as an implementation language for Lambda handlers |
Cloudformation Changesets - serverless-cloudformation-changesets by trek10inc Natively deploy to CloudFormation via Change sets, instead of directly. Allowing you to queue changes, and safely require escalated roles for final deployment. |
Cloudformation Parameter Setter - serverless-cloudformation-parameter-setter by trek10inc Set CloudFormation parameters when deploying. |
Cloudformation Resource Counter - serverless-cloudformation-resource-counter by drexler A plugin to count the resources generated in the AWS CloudFormation stack after deployment. |
Cloudformation Sub Variables - serverless-cloudformation-sub-variables by santiagocardenas Serverless framework plugin for easily supporting AWS CloudFormation Sub function variables |
Cloudwatch Sumologic - serverless-plugin-cloudwatch-sumologic by ACloudGuru Plugin which auto-subscribes a log delivery lambda function to lambda log groups created by serverless |
Coffeescript - serverless-coffeescript by duanefields A Serverless plugin to compile your CoffeeScript into JavaScript at deployment |
Command Line Event Args - serverless-command-line-event-args by horike37 This module is Serverless Framework plugin. Event JSON passes to your Lambda function in commandline. |
Common Excludes - serverless-plugin-common-excludes by dougmoscrop Adds commonly excluded files to package.excludes |
Content Encoding - serverless-content-encoding by dong-dohai Enable Content Encoding in AWS API Gateway during deployment |
Create Global Dynamodb Table - serverless-create-global-dynamodb-table by rrahul963 Serverless plugin to create dynamodb global tables |
Crypt - serverless-crypt by marcy-terui Securing the secrets on Serverless Framework by AWS KMS encryption. |
Custom Domain - serverless-plugin-custom-domain by dougmoscrop Reliably sets a BasePathMapping to an API Gateway Custom Domain |
Custom Packaging Plugin - serverless-custom-packaging-plugin by hypoport Plugin to package your sourcecode using a custom target path inside the zip. |
Deploy Environment - serverless-plugin-deploy-environment by DopplerLabs Plugin to manage deployment environment across stages |
Diff - serverless-plugin-diff by nicka Compares your local AWS CloudFormation templates against deployed ones. |
Ding - serverless-ding by sidgonuts Serverless plugin to audibly alert user after deployment |
Dir Config Plugin - serverless-dir-config-plugin by economysizegeek EXPERIMENTAL - Serverless plugin to load function and resource definitions from a directory. |
Domain Manager - serverless-domain-manager by amplify-education Serverless plugin for managing custom domains with API Gateways. |
Dotenv - serverless-dotenv by Jimdo Fetch environment variables and write it to a .env file |
Dotnet - serverless-dotnet by fruffin A serverless plugin to run 'dotnet' commands as part of the deploy process |
Dynalite - serverless-dynalite by sdd Run dynalite locally (no JVM, all JS) to simulate DynamoDB. Watch serverless.yml for table config updates. |
Dynamodb Autoscaling - serverless-dynamodb-autoscaling by sbstjn Configure Amazon DynamoDB's native Auto Scaling for your table capacities. |
Dynamodb Autoscaling - serverless-plugin-dynamodb-autoscaling by medikoo Auto generate auto scaling configuration for configured DynamoDB tables |
Dynamodb Local - serverless-dynamodb-local by 99xt Serverless Dynamodb Local Plugin - Allows to run dynamodb locally for serverless |
Dynamodb Ttl - serverless-dynamodb-ttl by Jimdo Configure DynamoDB TTL in serverless.yml (until CloudFormation supports this). |
Elastic Beanstalk - serverless-plugin-elastic-beanstalk by rawphp A serverless plugin to deploy applications to AWS ElasticBeanstalk. |
Enable Api Logs - serverless-enable-api-logs by paulSambolin Enables Coudwatch logging for API Gateway events |
Encode Env Var Objects - serverless-plugin-encode-env-var-objects by yonomi Serverless plugin to encode any environment variable objects. |
Env Generator - serverless-env-generator by DieProduktMacher Manage environment variables with YAML and load them with dotenv. Supports variable encryption with KMS, multiple stages and custom profiles. |
Ephemeral - serverless-ephemeral by Accenture Build and include custom stateless libraries for any language |
Event Constant Inputs - serverless-event-constant-inputs by dittto Allows you to add constant inputs to events in Serverless 1.0. For more info see constant values in Cloudwatch |
Export Env - serverless-export-env by arabold Export environment variables into a .env file with automatic AWS CloudFormation reference resolution. |
Express - serverless-express by mikestaub Making express app development compatible with serverless framework. |
External Sns Events - serverless-plugin-external-sns-events by silvermine Add ability for functions to use existing or external SNS topics as an event source |
Finch - serverless-finch by fernando-mc A Serverless plugin to deploy static website assets to AWS S3. |
Functions Base Path - serverless-functions-base-path by kevinrambaud Easily define a base path where your serverless functions are located. |
Git Variables - serverless-plugin-git-variables by jacob-meacham A Serverless plugin to expose git variables (branch name, HEAD description, full commit hash) to your serverless services |
Go - go-serverless by thepauleh GoFormation for Serverless. Create serverless configs with Go Structs. |
Go Build - serverless-go-build by sean9keenan Build go source files (or public functions) using yml definition file |
Graphiql - serverless-plugin-graphiql by bencooling A Serverless plugin to run a local http server for graphiql and your graphql handler |
Gulp - serverless-gulp by rhythminme A thin task wrapper around @goserverless that allows you to automate build, test and deploy tasks using gulp |
Haskell - serverless-haskell by seek-oss Deploying Haskell applications to AWS Lambda with Serverless |
Hooks Plugin - serverless-hooks-plugin by uswitch Run arbitrary commands on any lifecycle event in serverless |
Iam Roles Per Function - serverless-iam-roles-per-function by functionalone Serverless Plugin for easily defining IAM roles per function via the use of iamRoleStatements at the function level. |
Ignore - serverless-ignore by nya1 Serverless plugin to ignore files (.slsignore) |
Include Dependencies - serverless-plugin-include-dependencies by dougmoscrop This is a Serverless plugin that should make your deployed functions smaller. |
Inject Dependencies - serverless-plugin-inject-dependencies by loanmarket Painlessly deploy serverless projects with only the required dependencies. |
Iopipe - serverless-plugin-iopipe by iopipe See inside your Lambda functions with high fidelity metrics and monitoring. |
Iot Local - serverless-iot-local by tradle AWS Iot events with serverless-offline |
Jest Plugin - serverless-jest-plugin by SC5 A Serverless Plugin for the Serverless Framework which adds support for test-driven development using Jest |
Kms Secrets - serverless-kms-secrets by SC5 Allows to easily encrypt and decrypt secrets using KMS from the serverless CLI |
Kubeless - serverless-kubeless by serverless Serverless plugin for deploying functions to Kubeless. |
Lambda Dead Letter - serverless-plugin-lambda-dead-letter by gmetzker A Serverless plugin that can configure a lambda with a dead letter queue or topic |
Local Dev Server - serverless-local-dev-server by DieProduktMacher Speeds up development of Alexa Skills, Chatbots and APIs by exposing your functions as local HTTP endpoints and mapping received events. |
Local Environment - serverless-local-environment by piercus Serverless plugin to set local environment variables and remote environment variable to different values |
Local Schedule - serverless-local-schedule by UnitedIncome Schedule AWS CloudWatch Event based invocations in local time(with DST support!) |
Log Forwarding - serverless-log-forwarding by amplify-education Serverless plugin for forwarding CloudWatch logs to another Lambda function. |
Log Subscription - serverless-plugin-log-subscription by dougmoscrop Adds a CloudWatch LogSubscription for functions |
Metric - serverless-plugin-metric by alex20465 Creates dynamically AWS metric-filter resources with custom patterns |
Micro - serverless-micro by barstoolsports Plugin to help manage multiple micro services under one main service. |
Mocha Plugin - serverless-mocha-plugin by SC5 A Serverless Plugin for the Serverless Framework which adds support for test-driven development using Mocha |
Multi Dotnet - serverless-multi-dotnet by tsibelman A serverless plugin to pack C# lambdas functions that are spread to multiple CS projects. |
Multiple Responses - serverless-plugin-multiple-responses by silvermine Enable multiple content-types for Response template |
Nested Stack - serverless-nested-stack by jagdish-176 A plugin to Workaround for Cloudformation 200 resource limit |
Node Shim - serverless-plugin-node-shim by jzimmek Serverless plugin to run your functions in nodejs version (8 LTS, 9+) on aws lambda |
Offline - serverless-offline by dherault Emulate AWS λ and API Gateway locally when developing your Serverless project |
Offline Direct Lambda - serverless-offline-direct-lambda by civicteam Allow offline direct lambda-to-lambda interactions by exposing lambdas with no API Gateway event via HTTP. |
Offline Kinesis Events - serverless-plugin-offline-kinesis-events by DopplerLabs Plugin that works with serverless-offline to allow offline testing of serverless functions that are triggered by Kinesis events. |
Offline Scheduler - serverless-offline-scheduler by ajmath Runs scheduled functions offline while integrating with serverless-offline |
Offline Sns - serverless-offline-sns by mj1618 Serverless plugin to run a local SNS server and call serverless SNS handlers with events notifications. |
Offline Ssm - serverless-offline-ssm by janders223 Read SSM parameters from a .env file instead of AWS |
Optimize - serverless-plugin-optimize by FidelLimited Bundle with Browserify, transpile with Babel to ES5 and minify with Uglify your Serverless functions. |
Package Common - serverless-package-common by onlicar Deploy microservice Python Serverless services with common code |
Package Dotenv File - serverless-plugin-package-dotenv-file by ACloudGuru A Serverless plugin to copy a .env file into the serverless package |
Package Python Functions - serverless-package-python-functions by ubaniabalogun Packaging Python Lambda functions with only the dependencies/requirements they need. |
Parameters - serverless-parameters by svdgraaf Add parameters to the generated cloudformation templates |
Provider Groups - serverless-plugin-provider-groups by loanmarket A plugin to allow management of grouped settings within large serverless projects. |
Prune Plugin - serverless-prune-plugin by claygregory Deletes old versions of functions from AWS, preserving recent and aliased versions |
Pseudo Parameters - serverless-pseudo-parameters by svdgraaf Use ${AWS::AccountId} and other cloudformation pseudo parameters in your serverless.yml values |
Puresec Cli - serverless-puresec-cli by puresec Serverless Plugin for magically creating IAM roles that are least privileged per function. |
Python Individually - serverless-python-individually by cfchou A serverless framework plugin to install multiple lambda functions written in python |
Python Requirements - serverless-python-requirements by UnitedIncome Serverless plugin to bundle Python packages |
Raml - raml-serverless by andrewcurioso Serverless plugin to work with RAML API spec documents |
Reducer - serverless-plugin-reducer by medikoo Reduce Node.js lambda package so it contains only lambda dependencies |
Reqvalidator Plugin - serverless-reqvalidator-plugin by RafPe Serverless plugin to add request validator to API Gateway methods |
Resources Env - serverless-resources-env by rurri After Deploy, this plugin fetches cloudformation resource identifiers and sets them on AWS lambdas, and creates local .-env file |
Run Function Plugin - serverless-run-function-plugin by lithin Run serverless function locally |
S3 Encryption - serverless-s3-encryption by tradle Set or remove the encryption settings on your s3 buckets |
S3 Remover - serverless-s3-remover by sinofseven A serverless plugin to make s3 buckets empty before deleting cloudformation stack when sls remove |
S3 Sync - serverless-s3-sync by k1LoW A plugin to sync local directories and S3 prefixes for Serverless Framework, |
S3bucket Sync - serverless-s3bucket-sync by sbstjn Sync a local folder with a S3 bucket after sls deploy |
Sam - serverless-sam by SAPessi Exports an AWS SAM template for a service created with the Serverless Framework. |
Scriptable Plugin - serverless-scriptable-plugin by weixu365 Customize Serverless behavior without writing a plugin. |
Scripts - serverless-plugin-scripts by mvila Add scripting capabilities to the Serverless Framework |
Select - serverless-plugin-select by FidelLimited Select which functions are to be deployed based on region and stage. |
Sentry - serverless-sentry by arabold Automatic monitoring of memory usage, execution timeouts and forwarding of Lambda errors to Sentry ( |
Shell - serverless-shell by UnitedIncome Drop to a runtime shell with all the environment variables set that you'd have in lambda. |
Simulate - serverless-plugin-simulate by gertjvr Simulate AWS Lambda and API Gateway locally using Docker |
Sns Filter - serverless-sns-filter by MechanicalRock Serverless plugin to add SNS Subscription Filters to events |
Spa - serverless-spa by gilmarsquinelato Serverless plugin to deploy your website to AWS S3 using Webpack to bundle it. |
Split Stacks - serverless-plugin-split-stacks by dougmoscrop Migrate certain resources to nested stacks |
Sqs Alarms Plugin - serverless-sqs-alarms-plugin by sbstjn Wrapper to setup CloudWatch Alarms on SQS queue length |
Sqs Fifo - serverless-sqs-fifo by vortarian A serverless plugin to handle creation of sqs fifo queue's in aws (stop-gap) |
Ssm Fetch - serverless-ssm-fetch by gozup Sets "AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store (SSM)" parameters into functions' environment variables. |
Stack Config - serverless-plugin-stack-config by rawphp A serverless plugin to manage configurations for a stack across micro-services. |
Stack Output - serverless-stack-output by sbstjn Store output from your AWS CloudFormation Stack in JSON/YAML/TOML files, or to pass it to a JavaScript function for further processing. |
Stack Outputs - serverless-plugin-stack-outputs by svdgraaf Displays stack outputs for your serverless stacks when sls info is ran |
Stackstorm - serverless-plugin-stackstorm by StackStorm Reusable Functions from StackStorm Exchange |
Stage Manager - serverless-stage-manager by jeremydaly Super simple Serverless plugin for validating stage names before deployment |
Stage Variables - serverless-plugin-stage-variables by svdgraaf Add stage variables for Serverless 1.x to ApiGateway, so you can use variables in your Lambda's |
Static - serverless-static by iliasbhal Easily serve files from a folder while developing on localhost with the serverless-offline plugin |
Step Functions - serverless-step-functions by horike37 AWS Step Functions with Serverless Framework. |
Sthree Env - serverless-sthree-env by StyleTributeIT Serverless plugin to get config from a json formatted file in S3 and copy them to environment variable |
Subscription Filter - serverless-plugin-subscription-filter by tsub A serverless plugin to register AWS CloudWatchLogs subscription filter |
Subscription Filter - serverless-subscription-filter by blackevil245 Serverless plugin to register subscription filter for Lambda logs. Register and pipe the logs of one lambda to another to process. |
Tag Api Gateway - serverless-tag-api-gateway by gfragoso Serverless plugin to tag API Gateway |
Tag Cloud Watch Logs - serverless-tag-cloud-watch-logs by gfragoso Serverless plugin to tag CloudWatchLogs |
Tag Sqs - serverless-tag-sqs by gfragoso Serverless plugin to tag SQS - Simple Queue Service |
Tracer - serverless-plugin-tracer by enykeev Trace serverless hooks as they execute |
Transpiler - serverless-plugin-transpiler by medikoo Transpile lambda files during packaging step |
Typescript - serverless-plugin-typescript by graphcool Serverless plugin for zero-config Typescript support. |
Vpc Discovery - serverless-vpc-discovery by amplify-education Serverless plugin for discovering VPC / Subnet / Security Group configuration by name. |
Vpc Eni Cleanup - serverless-plugin-vpc-eni-cleanup by medikoo Automatic cleanup of VPC network interfaces on stage removal |
Warmup - serverless-plugin-warmup by FidelLimited Keep your lambdas warm during Winter. |
Webpack - serverless-plugin-webpack by goldwasserexchange A serverless plugin to automatically bundle your functions individually with webpack |
Webpack - serverless-webpack by serverless-heaven Serverless plugin to bundle your lambdas with Webpack |
Write Env Vars - serverless-plugin-write-env-vars by silvermine Write environment variables out to a file that is compatible with dotenv |
Wsgi - serverless-wsgi by logandk Serverless plugin to deploy WSGI applications (Flask/Django/Pyramid etc.) and bundle Python packages |
After adding your plugin to the plugins.json
file, run npm run docs
to regenerate the plugin list table in the