A Hugo based site using the docsy theme for the Good Docs Project.
Quick instructions for getting started if you're on Mac OSX.
- Brew installed
- NodeJS installed
These are the step-by-step instructions one can execute to configure a local environment. Note: This does use a git submodule for the Docsy theme, so using the correct git clone command is important.
# Installs the Hugo Binary that will be used to build and run the Hugo Server
brew install hugo
# Clone the repo locally
git clone --recurse-submodules --depth 1 git@github.com:thegooddocsproject/website-hugo.git
# Enter the default working path
cd website-hugo
# Installs the CSS processor
npm install
# Run the build process/http service
hugo server
For guidance on the purpose, operation and creation/maintenance of site content for Working Groups see Working Group Guidelines in the Governance repository.