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DICOM image viewer and selector


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DicomSel: DICOM Image Selector

Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 IRCAD
Authors: Benjamin Gaillard, Marc-Aurèle Mörk, Guillaume Spitz


DicomSel is an application that permits you to view a series of DICOM images
and to select one of them in order to export its tags to a text file.  This
application is intended to be used alongside Radiofrequency to let you put the
needle in the right place inside the liver.

DicomSel can run on virtually any planform supported by the wxWidgets library
on which it's based.


On non-Windows platforms (actually UNIX ones), the wxWidgets >= 2.6.0 library
must be installed to compile DicomSel.  On Windows, this is not required,
since it can be built automatically using "".  But you have to
download the sources and specify their location to the "" makefile
like this :
    gmake -f WXSRC=../wxWidgets-2.6.2.tar.bz2 win32


DicomSel has been designed to be compatible with most compilers, although it
has been exclusively developed with GCC.  It is written in plain standard C++,
without using proprietary extensions, so it's expected to build against
virtually all compilers.

As of version 1.2.0, DicomSel is now compilable like other standard UNIX
packages using the "configure" script.  So just make sure that wxWidgets is
installed then launch "./configure" followed by "make".

To build the sources under Windows, you need to install MinGW (included in
Dev-Cpp) with its MSYS companion or Cygwin in order to launch the "configure"
script.  Once it's done, just run "make" in the top directory (the one
including this file).  The resulting executable program is located in the
"src" directory: "src/dicomsel" ("src\dicomsel.exe" under Windows).
Alternatively, on UNIX, you can install DicomSel by typing "make install".

Beginning with version 1.2.2, DicomSel is compilable with the Microsoft Visual
C++ compiler.  Just user the bundeled "Makefile.msc" files with NMAKE:
    nmake /NOLOGO /f Makefile.msc
You can use Wine to do this, this is automatically done with:
    make -f win32-msc
Note that this is used by default when you type "make -f win32".  The
MinGW compiler can still be used with "make -f win32-mingw".  If the
"win32-msc" target fails, "win32-mingw" is tried instead automatically.

WARNING: when building with MSVC++, it is assumed that wxWidgets is unarchived
and built in the "..\wxWidgets" directory (the same directory where
dicomsel-x.y.z resides).  To change its location, edit "msvc/flags.mak".

DicomSel should be compilable under Mac OS X.  Just launch "make" after
"./configure" as under other Unices.  To compile universal binaries, add
"-arch ppc -arch i386" to your CXXFLAGS/LDFLAGS.  For exemple, use the
following command line:
    ./configure \
        CXXFLAGS="-arch ppc -arch i386 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -pipe" \
        LDFLAGS="-arch ppc -arch i386 -s"
Note that wxWidgets must be compiled and wx-config launchable with your
current $PATH.  Refer to the wxWidget documentation for further informations.


As of version 1.1.0, DicomSel can be directly compiled for Windows in a UNIX
environment (however, this has only been tested on Linux).  For this to work,
you need the MinGW cross-compiler on your host platform.  Search for a package
named "mingw" or "xmingw" for your distribution (under Gentoo Linux, try
"emerge xmingw-runtime && emerge -1 xmingw-gcc && env-update" as root; do not
forget to ". /etc/profile" to let xmingw be in your $PATH).

Once this is done, test if the cross-compiler is available :
    i386-mingw32msvc-gcc --version
If the above command introduced gcc to you, you're able to cross-compile!

Then just go to the root of the DicomSel sources and type
"gmake -f win32".


Files are organized as follows:
    dist:      final application executables and dependent libraries (not
               present in the source package, it is created by making up this
               directory; see below for more information on this).
    doc:       some documentation.
    head:      informations included at the top of each source file.
    include:   DicomSel application headers.
    libdicom:  DICOM reader library (libdicom).
    rfsample:  IPC sample program for Radiofrequency integration.
    src:       DicomSel application sources.
    tools:     auxiliary tools (not part of the project).


The "tools" directory hosts a script, "", able to build wxWidgets
very easily.  Use the following syntax:
    /bin/bash tools/xbuildwx <path to the wxWidgets sources archive>
                             -d <destination directory>

You can also type "gmake -f wxmsw" in the DicomSel sources root, this
will build wxWidgets and copy the necessary files into "/wxmsw" automagically
for you.  Note that the "" script isn't used by the above command;
it is only provided as an extra (it was once used by the former makefile
system before the switch to GNU Autotools).


By using "gmake -f dist", provided that you have the necessary
cross-compilation toolchain, you'll be able to make up the "dist" directory,
which will contain ready-to-use binaries for Linux x86 and Windows.  If you
want to add the Mac executables, run "gmake -f mac" on a Mac; you
will then have a complete "dist" directory.


    For IRCAD (
        Benjamin Gaillard <>
        Marc-Aurèle Mörk <>
        Guillaume Spitz <>

    Johan Moreau <>


We hope you'll enjoy our project!