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AceTime Clock

AUnit Tests

The AceTimeClock library is a companion library to the AceTime library. The AceTime library provides classes to convert between the "epoch seconds" and human-readable date/time fields. It also supports calculating DST shifts for all timezones in the IANA TZ database. This library provides various Clock classes to retrieve and synchronize the "epoch seconds" from external sources, such as an NTP client (ESP8266, ESP32), an SNTP client (ESP8266, ESP32) , the STM32 RTC clock (STM32), and the DS3231 RTC chip. The different clock sources are converted to the int32_t epoch seconds used by the AceTime library, using the same AceTime epoch of 2050-01-01 UTC as defined by ace_time::Epoch::currentEpochYear().

The following clock sources are supported:

A special version of the Clock class called the SystemClock provides an auto-incrementing "epoch seconds" that can be accessed very quickly and cheaply across all Arduino compatible systems. At a minimum, it should handle at least 10 requests per second, but the current implementation should be able to handle 1000 to 1M requests per second, depending on the processor.

We cannot use the time() function from the time.h C-library because it is not available on all Arduino platforms. On the AVR platform, the value of the time() function does not auto-increment. It must be incremented from an external process (e.g. in an Interrupt Service Routine, ISR) which must call the system_tick() function exactly once a second. On the SAMD21 and Teensy platforms, the time.h header file does not exist.

This library was part of the AceTime library, but extracted into a separate library in AceTime v1.8 to manage the complexity of both libraries.

This library can be an alternative to the Arduino Time ( library.

Version: v1.3.0 (2023-07-20)


See Also:

Table of Contents


The latest stable release is available in the Arduino Library Manager in the IDE. Search for "AceTimeClock". Click install. The Library Manager should automatically install AceTimeClock and its dependent libraries:

The development version can be installed by cloning the above repos manually. You can copy over these directories to the ./libraries directory used by the Arduino IDE. (The result is a set of directories named ./libraries/AceTimeClock, ./libraries/AceTime, and so on). Or you can create symlinks from ./libraries to these directories. Or you can git clone directly into the ./libraries directory.

The develop branch contains the latest development. The master branch contains the stable releases.

Source Code

The source files are organized as follows:

  • src/AceTimeClock.h - main header file
  • src/ace_time/clock/ - system clock from RTC or NTP sources (ace_time::clock)
  • src/ace_time/hw/ - thin hardware abstraction layer (ace_time::hw)
  • src/ace_time/testing/ - files used in unit tests (ace_time::testing)
  • tests/ - unit tests using AUnit
  • examples/ - example programs and benchmarks

The main Clock classes are under src/ace_time/clock (instead of src/ace_time_clock for example) for backwards compatibility with the code when these classes were inside the AceTime library.


To use the AceTimeClock library, client apps must install the following libraries at a minimum:

The following libraries are optional because they are needed only by specific classes and only if the client application uses them. For convenience, they are listed in the depends parameter of so that they are installed automatically by the Arduino Library Manager:

Various programs in the examples/ directory may have additional external dependencies. The comment section near the top of the *.ino file will usually have more precise dependency information. Some of these additional libraries are:

If you want to run the unit tests or validation tests using a Linux or MacOS machine, you need:



This is the example code for using the SystemClock taken from examples/HelloSystemClockLoop.

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <AceTime.h>
#include <AceTimeClock.h>

using ace_time::acetime_t;
using ace_time::ZonedDateTime;
using ace_time::TimeZone;
using ace_time::BasicZoneProcessor;
using ace_time::zonedb::kZoneAmerica_Los_Angeles;
using ace_time::clock::SystemClockLoop;

// ZoneProcessor instances should be created statically at initialization time.
static BasicZoneProcessor pacificProcessor;

static SystemClockLoop systemClock(nullptr /*reference*/, nullptr /*backup*/);

void printCurrentTime() {
  acetime_t now = systemClock.getNow();

  // Create a time
  auto pacificTz = TimeZone::forZoneInfo(&zonedb::kZoneAmerica_Los_Angeles,
  auto pacificTime = ZonedDateTime::forEpochSeconds(now, pacificTz);

void setup() {
  while (!Serial); // Wait until Serial is ready - Leonardo/Micro


  // Creating timezones is cheap, so we can create them on the fly as needed.
  auto pacificTz = TimeZone::forZoneInfo(&zonedb::kZoneAmerica_Los_Angeles,

  // Set the SystemClock using these components.
  auto pacificTime = ZonedDateTime::forComponents(
      2019, 6, 17, 19, 50, 0, pacificTz);

// Do NOT use delay() here.
void loop() {
  static acetime_t prevNow = systemClock.getNow();
  acetime_t now = systemClock.getNow();
  if (now - prevNow >= 2) {
    prevNow = now;

This will start by setting the SystemClock to 2019-06-17T19:50:00-07:00, then printing the system time every 2 seconds:


Other Examples

The following programs are provided in the examples/ directory:

Various fully-featured hardware clocks can be found in the repo:

  • CommandLineClock
    • a clock using the serial port for receiving commands and printing results
    • various system clock options: millis(), DS3231, or NTP client
    • useful for debugging or porting AceTime to a new hardware platform
  • OneZoneClock
    • a digital clock showing one timezone selected from a menu of timezones
    • typical hardware includes:
      • DS3231 RTC chip
      • 2 buttons
      • an SSD1306 OLED display or PCD8544 LCD display
  • MultiZoneClock
    • similar to OneZoneClock but showing multiple timezones on the display, selected from a menu of timezones.
  • WorldClock
    • a clock with 3 OLED screens showing the time at 3 different time zones
  • LedClock
    • a clock using 7-segment LED modules

User Guide

Headers and Namespaces

Only a single header file AceTimeClock.h is required to use this library. The code in this library previously lived in the AceTime library under the ace_time::clock namespace. To preserve backwards compatibility, the directory structure and namespace have been retained. To use the Clock classes without prepending the namespace prefixes, use the following using directive:

#include <AceTimeClock.h>
using namespace ace_time::clock;

Class Hierarchy

The class hierarchy diagram for these various classes looks like the following. The upward arrow means "is-subclass-of", the side-ways arrow means "depends on", and the diamond-line means "is-aggregation-of":

   .-------> Clock
   |           ^  ^
   |           |   \
   |           |    DS3231Clock -----> hw::DS3231
   |           |    EspSntpClock ----> configTime(), time()
   |           |    NtpClock --------> WiFi, ESP8266WiFi
   |           |    StmRtcClock -----> hw::StmRtc ----> STM32RTC
   |           |    Stm32F1Clock ----> hw::Stm32F1Rtc
   |           |    UnixClock -------> time()
   |           |
   `---<> SystemClock
           ^       ^
          /         \
SystemClockLoop      SystemClockCoroutine

These are arranged in the following C++ namespaces:

  • ace_time::clock::Clock
    • ace_time::clock::DS3231Clock
    • ace_time::clock::EspSntpClock
    • ace_time::clock::NtpClock
    • ace_time::clock::StmRtcClock
    • ace_time::clock::Stm32F1Clock
    • ace_time::clock::UnixClock
    • ace_time::clock::SystemClock
      • ace_time::clock::SystemClockCoroutine
      • ace_time::clock::SystemClockLoop

The classes in the ace_time::hw namespace provide a thin hardware abstraction layer between the specific Clock subclass and the underlying hardware or network device.

Clock Class

This is an abstract class which provides 3 functionalities:

  • setNow(acetime_t now): set the current time
  • acetime_ getNow(): get current time (blocking)
  • sendRequest(), isResponseReady(), readResponse(): get current time (non-blocking)
namespace ace_time {
namespace clock {

class Clock {
    static const acetime_t kInvalidSeconds = LocalTime::kInvalidSeconds;

    virtual void setNow(acetime_t epochSeconds) {}
    virtual acetime_t getNow() const = 0;

    virtual void sendRequest() const {}
    virtual bool isResponseReady() const { return true; }
    virtual acetime_t readResponse() const { return getNow(); }


Examples of the Clock include an NTP client, a GPS client, or a DS3231 RTC chip.

Not all clocks can implement the setNow() method (e.g. an NTP client) so the default implementation Clock::setNow() is a no-op. However, all clocks are expected to provide a getNow() method. On some clocks, the getNow() function can consume a large amount (many seconds) of time (e.g. NtpClock) so these classes are expected to provide a non-blocking implementation of the getNow() functionality through the sendRequest(), isResponseReady() and readResponse() methods. The Clock base class provides a default implementation of the non-blocking API by simply calling the getNow() blocking API, but subclasses are expected to provide the non-blocking interface when needed.

The acetime_t value from getNow() can be converted into the desired time zone using the ZonedDateTime and TimeZone classes from the AceTime library.

DS3231Clock Class

Breaking Change: AceTime v1.8 moved the ace_time::clock classes to this new AceTimeClock library. At the same time, it made a breaking change to the DS3231Clock class. See Migrating the DS3231Clock in the AceTime document.

The DS3231Clock class uses the DS3231 RTC chip. It contains an internal temperature-compensated oscillator that counts time in 1 second steps. It is often connected to a battery or a supercapacitor to survive power failures. The DS3231 chip stores the time broken down by various date and time components (i.e. year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds). It contains internal logic that knows about the number of days in an month, and leap years. It supports dates from 2000 to 2099. It does not contain the concept of a time zone. Therefore, the DS3231Clock assumes that the date/time components stored on the chip is in UTC time.

The class declaration looks like this:

namespace ace_time {
namespace clock {

template<typename T_WIREI>
class DS3231Clock: public Clock {
    explicit DS3231Clock(T_WIREI& wireInterface);

    void setup();
    acetime_t getNow() const override;
    void setNow(acetime_t epochSeconds) override;


The DS3231Clock::getNow() returns the number of seconds since AceTime Epoch by converting the UTC date and time components to acetime_t (using LocalDatetime internally). Users can convert the epoch seconds into either an OffsetDateTime or a ZonedDateTime as needed.

The DS3231Clock::setup() should be called from the global setup() function to initialize the object. Here is a sample of that:

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <AceTimeClock.h>
#include <AceWire.h> // TwoWireInterface
#include <Wire.h> // TwoWire, Wire

using ace_time::acetime_t;
using ace_time::OffsetDateTime;
using ace_time::clock::DS3231Clock;

using WireInterface = ace_wire::TwoWireInterface<TwoWire>;
WireInterface wireInterface(Wire);
DS3231Clock<WireInterface> dsClock(wireInterface);

void setup() {
  while(!Serial); // needed for Leonardo/Micro
  dsClock.setNow(0); // 2050-01-01T00:00:00Z

void loop() {
  acetime_t nowSeconds = dsClock.getNow();
  // convert epochSeconds to UTC-08:00
  OffsetDateTime odt = OffsetDateTime::forEpochSeconds(
      nowSeconds, TimeOffset::forHours(-8));
  delay(10000); // wait 10 seconds

See examples/HelloDS3231Clock for details on how to configure and use this class.

It has been claimed that the DS1307 and DS3232 RTC chips have exactly the same interface as DS3231 when accessing the time and date functionality. I don't have these chips so I cannot confirm that. Contact @Naguissa ( for more info.

Stm32RtcClock Class

The StmRtcClock uses the hw::StmRtc class, which in turn uses the STM32RTC library ( which provides access to the internal RTC module inside various STM32 chips. On some dev boards, the VBat pin is exposed and you can connect a battery or super capacitor to preserve the date and time fields through a power reset.

namespace ace_time {
namespace clock {

class StmRtcClock: public Clock {
    explicit StmRtcClock() {}

    void setup() {}

    acetime_t getNow() const override;

    void setNow(acetime_t epochSeconds) override;

    bool isTimeSet() const;


The StmRtcClock uses the STM32RTC::getInstance() singleton instance from the STM32RTC library which should be configured in the global setup() function like this (see examples/HelloStmRtcClock):

#include <STM32RTC.h>
#include <AceTimeClock.h>
using ace_time::clock::StmRtcClock;

StmRtcClock stmRtcClock;

void setup() {
  // Configure the STM32RTC singleton instance
  // STM32RTC::getInstance().begin(true /*reset*/); // use this to reset


See examples/HelloStmRtcClock for more details about how to configure and use this class.

The STM32RTC::setClockSource() supports 3 clock sources:

  • STM32RTC::LSI_CLOCK (default)
    • low speed internal
    • not accurate
    • low speed external
    • requires a 32.768 kHz external crystal
    • retains timekeeping during power-off through the VBat terminal
    • high speed external
    • (I don't know much about this)

The STM32RTC::begin() method without arguments configures the object without resetting the RTC hardware. By default, it uses the STM32RTC::HOUR_24 flag to set the RTC chip into 24-hour format. This is required for AceTime which assumes that the hour component is in 24-hour format.

An alternate version of begin(bool reset) takes a boolean flag which resets the RTC chip and clears any previous date-time values. This can be useful during development and debugging.

Prior to STM32RTC v1.2.0, the STM32RTC library contained a bug on the STM32F1 chip where the date components (year, month, day) were lost upon reset. See the following issues:

The bug was fixed with STM32RTC#58.

The RTC module on most (all?) STM32 processors use a 2-digit year offset from the year 2000. Therefore, the acetime_t returned by Stm32Clock::getNow() is valid from the year 2000 until the year 2100.

Stm32F1Clock Class

The Stm32F1Clock is a class that is specifically designed to work on an STM32F1 chip, and specifically using the LSE_CLOCK mode (low speed external). The purpose of this class is to avoid the bug in the STM32RTC library that caused the date components to be lost after a power reset. (See the StmRtcClockClass subsection above).

The Stm32F1Clock class bypasses the STM32RTC library and the HAL code for the STM32F1. Instead, the hw::Stm32F1Rtc class writes the AceTime epochSeconds directly into the 32-bit RTC counter on the STM32F1. Technical details can be found in the docstring for Stm32F1Clock.

The power reset bug was fixed in STM32RTC v1.2.0, so the Stm32F1Clock class may no longer be necessary. However, MemoryBenchmark shows that the Stm32F1Clock class is 4kB smaller than StmRtcClock. So if flash memory is tight, then the Stm32F1Clock may still be worth using.

The "Blue Pill" board already contains an external 32.768 kHz crystal chip attached to pins PC14 and PC15. The LSE_CLOCK mode uses external crystal to drive the internal 32-bit RTC counter, and has the nice property of being the only clock that works while the chip is powered off, as long as a battery or super capacitor is attached to the VBat terminal.

The Stm32F1Clock class looks like this:

namespace ace_time {
namespace clock {

class Stm32F1Clock: public Clock {
    explicit Stm32F1Clock() {}

    void setup();

    acetime_t getNow() const override;

    void setNow(acetime_t epochSeconds) override;


The class is configured and used like this:

#include <AceTimeClock.h>
using ace_time::clock::Stm32F1Clock;

Stm32F1Clock stm32F1Clock;

void setup() {


See examples/HelloStm32F1Clock for more details about how to configure and use this class.

I also recommend that nothing should be connected to the PC14 and PC15 pins of the Blue Pill board, not even the male header pins. The male header pins changed the capacitance of the oscillator circuit enough to cause my LSE_CLOCK to run 5-10% too slow. Removing the pins fixed the problem, giving me a clock that is accurate to better than 1 second per 48 hours. See for example:

Unlike other STM32 processors, the RTC module on the STM32F1 uses a 32-bit counter, instead of a 2-digit year. The Stm32F1Clock takes advantage of this by mapping this counter directly to the acetime_t type. So the Stm32F1Clock::getNow() method should be valid for the entire 136 year range of acetime_t, from the year 1982 until the year 2118.

NtpClock Class

The NtpClock class is available on the ESP8266 and ESP32 which have builtin WiFi capability. (I have not tested the code on the Arduino WiFi shield because I don't have that hardware.) This class uses an NTP client to fetch the current time from the specified NTP server. The constructor takes 3 parameters which have default values so they are optional.

The class declaration looks like this:

namespace ace_time {
namespace clock {

class NtpClock: public Clock {
    static const uint16_t kConnectTimeoutMillis = 10000;
    static const uint16_t kRequestTimeoutMillis = 1000;

    explicit NtpClock(
        const char* server = kNtpServerName,
        uint16_t localPort = kLocalPort,
        uint16_t requestTimeout = kRequestTimeoutMillis);

    void setup(
        const char* ssid = nullptr,
        const char* password = nullptr,
        uint16_t connectTimeoutMillis = kConnectTimeoutMillis);

    bool isSetup() const;
    const char* getServer() const;

    acetime_t getNow() const override;

    void sendRequest() const override;
    bool isResponseReady() const override;
    acetime_t readResponse() const override;


The constructor takes the name of the NTP server. The default value is kNtpServerName which is The default kLocalPort is set to 8888. And the default kRequestTimeout is 1000 milliseconds.

The setup() must be called before this class is used. If the ssid and password of the WiFi connection is provided, it will attempt to configure the ESP8266 and ESP32 WiFi stack. If ssid is a nullptr, the WiFi stack must be configured separately. This feature was originally provided as a convenience, but I now recommend that the WiFi stack be configured separately outside of the NtpClock::setup() function. The functionality remains in NtpClock::setup() for backwards compatibility.

Here is a sample of how it can be used:

#include <AceTimeClock.h>

using ace_time::acetime_t;
using ace_time::OffsetDateTime;
using ace_time::clock::NtpClock;

const char SSID[] = ...; // Warning: don't store SSID in GitHub
const char PASSWORD[] = ...; // Warning: don't store passwd in GitHub
static const unsigned long WIFI_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = 15000;

NtpClock ntpClock;

void setupWiFi(
    const char* ssid,
    const char* password,
    unsigned long rebootTimeoutMillis)
  // See example/HelloNtpClock/ for an implementation

void setup() {
  while(!Serial); // needed for Leonardo/Micro


  if (ntpClock.isSetup()) {
    Serial.println("Connection failed... try again.");

// Print the NTP time every 5 seconds, in UTC-08:00 time zone.
void loop() {
  acetime_t nowSeconds = ntpClock.getNow();
  // convert epochSeconds to UTC-08:00
  OffsetDateTime odt = OffsetDateTime::forEpochSeconds(
      nowSeconds, TimeOffset::forHours(-8));
  delay(5000); // wait 5 seconds

See the following examples for more details:

Security Warning: You should avoid committing your SSID and PASSWORD into a public repository like GitHub because they will become public to anyone. Even if you delete the commit, they can be retrieved from the git history.

The NTP counts the number of seconds from its epoch of 1900-01-01 00:00:00 UTC, using a 32-bit unsigned integer. Each time the 32-bit number overflows, the NTP clock enters a new era. The first overflow will happen just after 2036-02-07 06:28:15 UTC. The NtpClock class has been updated to handle this overflow by mapping the full 32-bit range of acetime_t relative to the AceTime epoch to the full 32-bit range of the NTP seconds straddling the appropriate NTP eras. See the doc comments in NtpClock.h for more details.

ESP SNTP Clock Class

The EspSntpClock class is specifically designed for the ESP8266 and ESP32 platforms, using its built-in SNTP client which synchronizes with the time() function in the C-library.

namespace ace_time {
namespace clock {

class EspSntpClock: public Clock {
    static const char kDefaultNtpServer[];
    static const uint32_t kDefaultTimeoutMillis = 15000;

    explicit EspSntpClock() {}

    bool setup(
        const char* ntpServer = kDefaultNtpServer,
        uint32_t timeoutMillis = kDefaultTimeoutMillis);

    acetime_t getNow() const override;


The class depends on the WiFi stack to be configured elsewhere. See examples/HelloEspSntpClock for more details about how configure and use this class.

The EspSntpClock::setup() function calls the configTime() function provided by the ESP8266 and ESP32 platforms, with the timezone set to UTC (STD offset and DST offset are set to 0). The setup() method returns true on success, false upon timeout. The kDefaultNtpServer is "".`

The getNow() method calls the built-in time() function and converts the 64-bit time_t Unix epoch seconds used on the ESP8266 and ESP32 platforms to the 32-bit acetime_t epoch seconds used by the AceTime library. In the current version of AceTime, this is valid from 1982 to 2118.

The SNTP client apparently performs automatic synchronization of the time() function every 1 hour, but the only documentation for this that I can find is in this NTP-TZ-DST example file.

Note: You can use the ESP SNTP service with the AceTime library directly without going through the EspSntpClock class. See AceTime/examples/EspTime.

UnixClock Class

The UnixClock is a version of Clock that retrieves the epochSeconds from the time() function on a POSIX or Unix compatible environment with a time.h header file. It is currently activated only for EpoxyDuino ( but it could possibly to useful in other environments, I don't know. Currently, it's used only for testing.

namespace ace_time {
namespace clock {

class UnixClock: public Clock {
    explicit UnixClock() {}

    void setup() {}

    acetime_t getNow() const override;


SystemClock Class

The SystemClock is a special Clock that uses the Arduino built-in millis() method as the source of its time. The biggest advantage of SystemClock is that its getNow() has very little overhead so it can be called as frequently as needed, compared to the getNow() method of other Clock classes which can consume a significant amount of time. For example, the DS3231Clock must talk to the DS3231 RTC chip over an I2C bus. Even worse, the NtpClock must the talk to the NTP server over the network which can be unpredictably slow.

Unfortunately, the millis() internal clock of most (all?) Arduino boards is not very accurate and unsuitable for implementing an accurate clock. Therefore, the SystemClock provides the option to synchronize its clock to an external referenceClock.

The other problem with the millis() internal clock is that it does not survive a power failure. The SystemClock provides a way to save the current time to a backupClock (e.g. the DS3231Clock using the DS3231 chip with battery backup). When the SystemClock starts up, it will read the backupClock and set the current time. When it synchronizes with the referenceClock, (e.g. the NtpClock), it saves a copy of it into the backupClock.

The SystemClock is an abstract class, and this library provides 2 concrete implementations, SystemClockLoop and SystemClockCoroutine:

They implement the periodic maintenance tasks that are required on the SystemClock (see the System Clock Maintenance Tasks subsection below). One of the maintenance tasks is to synchronize the system clock with an external clock. But getting the time from the external clock is an expensive process because, for example, it could go over the network to an NTP server. So the SystemClockCoroutine::runCoroutine() and the SystemClockLoop::loop() methods both use the non-block API of the Clock interface to retrieve the external time, which allow other things to to continue to run on the microcontroller.

namespace ace_time {
namespace clock {

class SystemClock: public Clock {
    static const uint8_t kSyncStatusOk = 0;
    static const uint8_t kSyncStatusError = 1;
    static const uint8_t kSyncStatusTimedOut = 2;

    void setup();

    acetime_t getNow() const override;
    void setNow(acetime_t epochSeconds) override;

    bool isInit() const;
    acetime_t getLastSyncTime() const;
    uint8_t getSyncStatusCode() const;
    int32_t getSecondsSinceSyncAttempt() const;
    int32_t getSecondsToSyncAttempt() const;
    int16_t getClockSkew() const;

    explicit SystemClock(
        Clock* referenceClock /* nullable */,
        Clock* backupClock /* nullable */);

    Clock* getReferenceClock() const { return mReferenceClock; }

    unsigned long clockMillis() const { return ::millis(); }

    void keepAlive();

    void backupNow(acetime_t nowSeconds);

    void syncNow(acetime_t epochSeconds);

class SystemClockLoop : public SystemClock {
    explicit SystemClockLoop(
        Clock* referenceClock /* nullable */,
        Clock* backupClock /* nullable */,
        uint16_t syncPeriodSeconds = 3600,
        uint16_t initialSyncPeriodSeconds = 5,
        uint16_t requestTimeoutMillis = 1000,
        ace_common::TimingStats* timingStats = nullptr);

    void loop();


class SystemClockCoroutine :
    public SystemClock,
    public ace_routine::Coroutine {
    explicit SystemClockCoroutine(
        Clock* referenceClock /* nullable */,
        Clock* backupClock /* nullable */,
        uint16_t syncPeriodSeconds = 3600,
        uint16_t initialSyncPeriodSeconds = 5,
        uint16_t requestTimeoutMillis = 1000,
        ace_common::TimingStats* timingStats = nullptr);

    int runCoroutine() override;



The SystemClockCoroutine class is available only if you have installed the AceRoutine library and include its header before <AceTimeClock.h>, like this:

#include <AceRoutine.h> // enables SystemClockCoroutine
#include <AceTimeClock.h>

Reference Clock and Backup Clock

The constructor of both SystemClockLoop and SystemClockCoroutine takes 2 parameters which are required but are nullable:

  • the referenceClock
    • an instance of the Clock class which provides an external clock of high accuracy
    • assumed to be expensive to use (e.g. the NtpClock requires a network request and can take multiple seconds.)
    • the SystemClock will synchronize against the referenceClock on a periodic basis using the non-blocking API of the Clock interface
    • the synchronization interval is a configurable parameter in the constructor (default, every 1 hour).
  • the backupClock
    • an instance of the Clock class which preserves the time and continues to tick after the power is lost
    • e.g. DS3231Clock backed by a battery or a super capacitor
    • upon initialized, the SystemClock retrieves the current time from the backupClock so that the current time available in the SystemClock right away, without having to wait for synchronization with the slower referenceClock (e.g. the NtpClock).

Since both parameters are nullable, there are 4 combinations:

  • SystemClock(nullptr, nullptr)
    • no referenceClock or backupClock
    • only the millis() function is used
  • SystemClock(referenceClock, nullptr)
    • performs periodic syncing with referenceClock
    • if the referenceClock does not keep time after power loss, then the date/time much be reset after reinitialization
  • SystemClock(nullptr, backupClock)
    • millis() used as the reference
    • date and time retrieve from backupClock upon initial startup
    • backupClock updated when SystemClock::setNow() is called
    • no further syncing happens to the backupClock
    • Not Recommended: It is difficult to see this configuration being useful.
  • SystemClock(referenceClock, backupClock)
    • the referenceClock and backupClock will usually be different objects
    • using both provides redundancy and rapid initialization
    • see example below where the referenceClock is an NtpClock which can take many seconds to initialize, and the backupClock is a DS3231 which can initialize the SystemClock quickly when the board restarts
    • this configuration allows the clock to keep working if the network goes down

An example of each configuration is given in the SystemClock Examples section below.

There is some of special handling of the case where the referenceClock and the backupClock are non-null and identical:

  • SystemClock(referenceClock, referenceClock)
    • precaution taken to avoid updating the backupClock during syncNow()
    • avoids writing the same value back into the RTC, which would cause progressive loss of accuracy due to the overwriting of sub-second information
    • this configuration has the benefit of guaranteeing that the SystemClock returns a valid epochSeconds as soon as the setup() method returns successfully, because the backupClock is called in the setup() to initialize the SystemClock
    • see DS3231 As Both Reference and Backup example below

SystemClock Maintenance Tasks

There are 2 internal maintenance tasks that must be performed periodically.

First, the SystemClock advances the internal epochSeconds counter using the millis() function when the getNow() method is called. This functionality is needed because on the AVR platform, the time() function does not automatically advance. On other platforms, the time() function does not even exist. For cross-platform compatibility, We are forced to use the millis() function as a substitute. The synchronization with millis() must happen every 65.536 seconds or faster. Most of the time, this will not be problem because the getNow() method will be called very frequently, say 10 times a second, to detect a transition of the time from one second to the next second. But there may be applications where getNow() is not called frequently, so the SystemClock maintenance task must make sure that getNow() is called frequently enough even if the calling application does not do so.

Second, if the referenceClock is given, the SystemClock should synchronize its internal epochSeconds with the reference clock periodically. The frequency of this sync'ing will likely depend on the accuracy of the millis(), and how expensive the call to the referenceClock is. If the referenceClock is a DS3231 chip, syncing once every 1-10 minutes might be acceptable since talking to the RTC chip over I2C is relatively cheap. If the referenceClock is the NtpClock, the network connection is fairly expensive so maybe once every 1-12 hours might be advisable. Since the SystemClock does not actually know what kind of referenceClock is attached to it, it needs to be given a some reasonable default value. The current default value is every one hour. This value can be changed in the constructor of one of the following subclasses.

The SystemClock provides 2 subclasses which differ in the way they perform these maintenance tasks:

  • the SystemClockLoop class uses the ::loop() method which should be called from the global loop() function, and
  • the SystemClockCoroutine class uses the ::runCoroutine() method which uses the AceRoutine library


This class synchronizes to the referenceClock through the SystemClockLoop::loop() method that is meant to be called from the global loop() method, like this:

#include <AceWire.h> // TwoWireInterface
#include <Wire.h> // TwoWire, Wire
#include <AceTimeClock.h>

using ace_time::clock::DS3231Clock;
using ace_time::clock::SystemClockLoop;

using WireInterface = ace_wire::TwoWireInterface<TwoWire>;
WireInterface wireInterface(Wire);
DS3231Clock<WireInterface> dsClock(Wire);

SystemClockLoop systemClock(dsClock, nullptr /*backup*/);

void setup() {

void loop() {

SystemClockLoop keeps an internal counter to limit the syncing process to every 1 hour. This is configurable through parameters in the SystemClockLoop() constructor.


This class synchronizes to the referenceClock using an AceRoutine coroutine.

#include <AceWire.h> // TwoWireInterface
#include <Wire.h> // TwoWire, Wire
#include <AceRoutine.h> // include this before <AceTimeClock.h>
#include <AceTimeClock.h>

using ace_time::clock::DS3231Clock;
using ace_time::clock::SystemClockCoroutine;
using ace_routine::CoroutineScheduler;

using WireInterface = ace_wire::TwoWireInterface<TwoWire>;
WireInterface wireInterface(Wire);
DS3231Clock<WireInterface> dsClock(Wire);

SystemClockCoroutine systemClock(dsClock, nullptr /*backup*/);

void setup() {

void loop() {

I suspect that most people will feel more comfortable using the SystemClockLoop class. But if you are already using the AceRoutine library, it may be more convenient to use the SystemClockCoroutine class instead.

SystemClock Status Inspection

The SystemClock exposes a number of methods that allow inspection of its sync status with the referenceClock.

class SystemClock: public Clock {
    static const uint8_t kSyncStatusOk = 0;
    static const uint8_t kSyncStatusError = 1;
    static const uint8_t kSyncStatusTimedOut = 2;


    acetime_t getLastSyncTime() const;
    uint8_t getSyncStatusCode() const;
    int32_t getSecondsSinceSyncAttempt() const;
    int32_t getSecondsToSyncAttempt() const;
    int16_t getClockSkew() const;
  • getLastSyncTime()
    • the acetime_t time of the most recent successful syncing with the referenceClock
    • (there is no equilvalent getLastFailedSyncTime() method, because if the sync fails, we don't get the correct time, so we don't know what time it failed, but see getSecondsSinceSyncAttempt() below)
  • getSyncStatusCode()
    • status code of the most recent attempt to sync with the referenceClock
  • getSecondsSinceSyncAttempt()
    • number of seconds since the most recent sync attempt with the referenceClock, regardless whether it failed or succeeded
    • this a positive number, but it sometimes makes sense to display this number as a negative value, to indicate that it occurred in the past
    • elapsed time is extracted from the global millis() function
  • getSecondsToSyncAttempt()
    • number of seconds estimated until the next sync attempt with the referenceClock
    • elapsed time is extracted from the global millis() function
  • getClockSkew()
    • number of seconds that the SystemClock was slow (negative) or fast (postive) compared to the referenceClock, at the time of the most recent successful sync
    • if the syncing is done often enough, and the millis() function is reasonably calibrated, this value should be almost always 0.

The quantities returned by the above methods can be fed into the TimePeriod object to extract the hour, minute and second components.

System Clock Configurable Parameters

The constructors of both SystemClockLoop and SystemClockCoroutine take an identical list of parameters, some of which have default values. This section explains the meaning of those parameters. Both construtors look exactly like this:

explicit SystemClockLoop(
    Clock* referenceClock /* nullable */,
    Clock* backupClock /* nullable */,
    uint16_t syncPeriodSeconds = 3600,
    uint16_t initialSyncPeriodSeconds = 5,
    uint16_t requestTimeoutMillis = 1000,
    ace_common::TimingStats* timingStats = nullptr);
  • syncPeriodSeconds
    • Number of seconds between successive requests to the referenceClock to obtain the current time.
    • If requests to the referenceClock is cheap (e.g. DS3231Clock over I2C), then this value could be lowered (e.g. 1 minute) without much detriment.
    • If requests to the referenceClock is expensive (e.g. NtpClock) then this value should remain relatively large.
  • initialSyncPeriodSeconds
    • Number of seconds to wait between the very first request to the referenceClock just after reboot, and the second request to the referenceClock if the first request fails.
    • If the request fails again, the SystemClockLoop::loop() and SystemClockCoroutine::runCoroutine() methods will use an exponential backoff algorithm and double the number of seconds between each successive retry attempt.
    • The retry interval keeps increasing until it becomes greater than or equal to syncPeriodSeconds, after which the retry interval becomes pegged to syncPeriodSeconds.
  • requestTimeoutMillis
    • Number of milliseconds to wait after making a request to the referenceClock before marking the request as timed out, and therefore, failed.
    • Note that since the non-blocking request API of Clock is used, other tasks continue to run while we wait for a response from the referenceClock.
  • timingStats
    • An instance of ace_common::TimingStats used for debugging and benchmarking.
    • Application developers are not expected to use this normally.

SystemClock Examples

The examples below are shown using SystemClockLoop but SystemClockCoroutine should also work.

No Reference And No Backup

This is the most basic example of a SystemClockLoop that uses no referenceClock or a backupClock. The accuracy of this clock is limited by the accuracy of the internal millis() function, and the clock has no backup against power failure. Upon reboot, the SystemClockLoop::setNow() must be called to set the current time. The SystemClockLoop::loop() must still be called to perform a maintenance task of incrementing the AceTime epochSeconds returned by SystemClockLoop::getNow() using the progression of the Arduino millis() function.

This configuration is not very practical, but it might be useful for quick debugging.

#include <AceTimeClock.h>

using ace_time::clock::SystemClockLoop;

SystemClockLoop systemClock(nullptr /*reference*/, nullptr /*backup*/);

void setup() {

void loop() {

DS3231 Reference

This SystemClockLoop uses a DS3231Clock as a referenceClock. No backup clock is actually needed because the DS3231 RTC preserves its info as long as a battery is connected to it. The SystemClockLoop::loop() advances the internal epochSeconds every second using the millis() function, and it synchronizes the epochSeconds to the DS3231 clock every one hour (by default). In the following example, the DS3231Clock is configured to use the <Wire.h> library for I2C communication.

#include <AceTimeClock.h>
#include <AceWire.h> // TwoWireInterface
#include <Wire.h> // TwoWire, Wire

using ace_time::clock::SystemClockLoop;
using ace_time::clock::DS3231Clock;

using WireInterface = ace_wire::TwoWireInterface<TwoWire>;
WireInterface wireInterface(Wire);
DS3231Clock<WireInterface> dsClock(wireInterface);

SystemClockLoop systemClock(&dsClock /*reference*/, nullptr /*backup*/);

void setup() {
  while (!Serial); // wait for Leonardo/Micro


void loop() {

NTP Reference With DS3231 Backup

This is a more sophisticated example of a SystemClockLoop configured to use the NtpClock as the referenceClock and the DS3231Clock as the backupClock. Currently, the NptClock supports only the ESP8266 and the ESP32 microcontrollers, but it could be readily extended to support other controllers which have network capabilities.

Every hour (by default), the SystemClockLoop makes a request to the NtpClock to get the most accurate time. This is a network request that can potentially take several seconds. Fortunately, SystemClockLoop uses the non-blocking API of NtpClock when making this request, so everything else on the microcontroller keeps running while the request is being fulfilled. When the request to NtpClock is successful, the result is also written into the DS3231Clock backup clock, just to keep it in sync as well.

(It just occurs to me that Clock::setNow() is a blocking call, so this code assumes that updating the backupClock is a relatively quick operation. This seems to me a reasonable assumption because a backupClock that takes a long time to update does not seem like not a good candidate as a backupClock. But let me know if my assumptions are incorrect.)

#include <AceWire.h> // TwoWireInterface
#include <Wire.h> // TwoWire, Wire
#include <AceTimeClock.h>

using ace_time::clock::SystemClockLoop;
using ace_time::clock::NtpClock;
using ace_time::clock::DS3231Clock;

using WireInterface = ace_wire::TwoWireInterface<TwoWire>;
WireInterface wireInterface(Wire);
DS3231Clock<WireInterface> dsClock(wireInterface);

NtpClock ntpClock(SSID, PASSWORD);
SystemClockLoop systemClock(&ntpClock /*reference*/, &dsClock /*backup*/);

void setup() {
  while (!Serial); // wait for Leonardo/Micro


void loop() {

Note: This configuration does not provide fail-over. In other words, if the referenceClock is unreachable, then the code does not automatically start using the backupClock as the reference clock. The backupClock is used only during initial startup to initialize the SystemClockLoop. If the network continues to be unreachable for a long time, then the SystemClockLoop will be only as accurate as the millis() function.

DS3231 As Both Reference and Backup

The DS3231Clock for example can be given as both the reference and backup clock sources, like this:

#include <AceWire.h> // TwoWireInterface
#include <Wire.h> // TwoWire, Wire
#include <AceTimeClock.h>

using ace_time::clock::SystemClockLoop;
using ace_time::clock::DS3231Clock;

using WireInterface = ace_wire::TwoWireInterface<TwoWire>;
WireInterface wireInterface(Wire);
DS3231Clock<WireInterface> dsClock(wireInterface);

SystemClockLoop systemClock(&dsClock /*reference*/, &dsClock /*backup*/);

void setup() {
  while (!Serial); // wait for Leonardo/Micro


void loop() {

The SystemClockLoop will notice that the referenceClock is the same as the backupClock, and will take precautions to avoid writing to the backupClock in the syncNow() method. Otherwise, there would be progressive skewing the referenceClock. To see how this would happen, recall that the referenceClock is the original source of the epochSeconds given to syncNow(). If the epochSeconds is written back into the referenceClock (through the backupClock reference), then the internal subsecond resolution of the RTC would be lost, and the RTC would lose a small fraction of a second each time syncNow() is called.

The biggest advantage of using this configuration (where the same clock is used as referenceClock and backupClock) is guarantee a valid state of SystemClockLoop after a successful call to setup(). Without a backupClock, the SystemClockLoop::getNow() returns a kInvalidSeconds error condition until the first successful syncNow() complete. With a backupClock, the SystemClockLoop::setup() blocks until a valid time is retrieved from the backupClock, uses that value to initialize the SystemClockLoop. The getNow() method will always return a valid vlaue (as long as both reference and backup clock remain valid).

In summary, if your application can tolerate a short period (order of seconds or less) where the SystemClockLoop::getNow() can return kInvalidSeconds, then you can use just define the reference clock without reusing it as a backup clock, SystemClockLoop(&dsClock, nullptr). For robustness, most applications should be written to tolerate and correctly handle this situation anyways, but I understand that people want to do the least amount of work, and handling error conditions is more work. Configuring the referenceClock as the backupClock provides a slightly better well-behaved SystemClockLoop, at the expense of having possibility that the setup process of the application could take longer.

Resource Consumption

Size Of Classes

8-bit processors

sizeof(DS3231Clock): 7
sizeof(SystemClock): 28
sizeof(SystemClockLoop): 41
sizeof(SystemClockCoroutine): 57

STM32: 32-bit processors

sizeof(DS3231Clock): 12
sizeof(StmRtcClock): 8
sizeof(Stm32F1Clock): 8
sizeof(SystemClock): 36
sizeof(SystemClockLoop): 52
sizeof(SystemClockCoroutine): 80

ESP8266/ESP32: 32-bit processors

sizeof(DS3231Clock): 12
sizeof(NtpClock): 92
sizeof(EspSntpClock): 4
sizeof(SystemClock): 36
sizeof(SystemClockLoop): 52
sizeof(SystemClockCoroutine): 80

Flash And Static Memory

MemoryBenchmark was used to determine the size of the library for various microcontrollers (Arduino Nano to ESP32). Here are 2 samples:

Arduino Nano

| Functionality                          |  flash/  ram |        delta |
| Baseline                               |    496/   17 |      0/    0 |
| DS3231Clock<TwoWire>                   |   4958/  259 |   4462/  242 |
| DS3231Clock<SimpleWire>                |   3412/   49 |   2916/   32 |
| DS3231Clock<SimpleWireFast>            |   2742/   43 |   2246/   26 |
| SystemClockLoop                        |   1016/   72 |    520/   55 |
| SystemClockLoop+1 Basic zone           |   8412/  124 |   7916/  107 |
| SystemClockLoop+1 Extended zone        |  12166/  124 |  11670/  107 |
| SystemClockCoroutine                   |   1820/  100 |   1324/   83 |
| SystemClockCoroutine+1 Basic zone      |   9186/  152 |   8690/  135 |
| SystemClockCoroutine+1 Extended zone   |  12940/  152 |  12444/  135 |


| Functionality                          |  flash/  ram |        delta |
| Baseline                               | 260109/27896 |      0/    0 |
| DS3231Clock<TwoWire>                   | 269573/28560 |   9464/  664 |
| DS3231Clock<SimpleWire>                | 267365/28176 |   7256/  280 |
| NtpClock                               | 269137/28216 |   9028/  320 |
| EspSntpClock                           | 266637/28240 |   6528/  344 |
| SystemClockLoop                        | 264809/28124 |   4700/  228 |
| SystemClockLoop+1 Basic zone           | 271541/28528 |  11432/  632 |
| SystemClockLoop+1 Extended zone        | 273981/28640 |  13872/  744 |
| SystemClockCoroutine                   | 265353/28156 |   5244/  260 |
| SystemClockCoroutine+1 Basic zone      | 272101/28560 |  11992/  664 |
| SystemClockCoroutine+1 Extended zone   | 274541/28672 |  14432/  776 |

This library does not perform dynamic allocation of memory so that it can be used in small microcontroller environments. In other words, it does not call the new operator nor the malloc() function, and it does not use the Arduino String class. Everything it needs is allocated statically at initialization time.

An example of more complex application is the WorldClock ( which has 3 OLED displays over SPI, 3 timezones using BasicZoneProcessor, a SystemClock synchronized to a DS3231 chip on I2C, and 2 buttons with debouncing and event dispatching provided by the AceButton ( library. This application consumes about 24 kB, well inside the 28 kB flash limit of a SparkFun Pro Micro controller.

CPU Usage

AutoBenchmark was used to determine the CPU time consume by various features of the classes in this library. Two samples are shown below:

Arduino Nano

| Method                             | micros/iter |     diff |
| EmptyLoop                          |       1.107 |    0.000 |
| SystemClockLoop                    |       9.012 |    7.905 |


| Method                             | micros/iter |     diff |
| EmptyLoop                          |       0.139 |    0.000 |
| SystemClockLoop                    |       9.586 |    9.447 |

System Requirements


Tier 1: Fully supported

These boards are tested on each release:

  • Arduino Nano (16 MHz ATmega328P)
  • SparkFun Pro Micro (16 MHz ATmega32U4)
  • Seeed Studio XIAO M0 (SAMD21, 48 MHz ARM Cortex-M0+)
  • STM32 Blue Pill (STM32F103C8, 72 MHz ARM Cortex-M3)
  • Adafruit ItsyBitsy M4 (SAMD51, 120 MHz ARM Cortext-M4)
  • NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E module, 80 MHz ESP8266)
  • WeMos D1 Mini (ESP-12E module, 80 MHz ESP8266)
  • ESP32 dev board (ESP-WROOM-32 module, 240 MHz dual core Tensilica LX6)

Tier 2: Should work

These boards should work but I don't test them as often:

  • ATtiny85 (8 MHz ATtiny85)
  • Arduino Pro Mini (16 MHz ATmega328P)
  • Mini Mega 2560 (Arduino Mega 2560 compatible, 16 MHz ATmega2560)
  • Teensy LC (48 MHz ARM Cortex-M0+)
  • Teensy 3.2 (96 MHz ARM Cortex-M4)
  • STM32F411 Black Pill (STM32F411CEU6, 100 MHz ARM Cortex-M4)

Tier 3: May work, but not supported

  • Other 3rd party SAMD21 and SAMD51 boards may work if their board software uses the traditional Arduino API, instead of the ArduinoCore-API

Tier Blacklisted

The following boards are not supported and are explicitly blacklisted to allow the compiler to print useful error messages instead of hundreds of lines of compiler errors:

Tool Chain

This library was developed and tested using:

This library is not compatible with:

It should work with PlatformIO but I have not tested it.

The library works on Linux or MacOS (using both g++ and clang++ compilers) using the EpoxyDuino ( emulation layer.

Operating System

I use Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04 for the vast majority of my development. I expect that the library will work fine under MacOS and Windows, but I have not tested them.

Bugs and Limitations

  • AceTimeClock epoch is the same as AceTime epoch
    • The AceTime epoch defined by ace_time::Epoch::currentEpochYear(), which is 2050-01-01 00:00:00 UTC by default as of AceTime v2.
    • If the AceTime epoch is changed, then the interpretation of the getNow() and setNow() methods of this library will also be changed.
  • DS3231Clock
    • Uses a 2-digit year, so the getNow() is valid from 2000 until 2100.
    • If the AceTime epoch is changed so that this range is no longer covered by acetime_t, then the result is unpredictable.
  • NtpClock
    • Calls WiFi.hostByName() to resolve the IP address which seems to be a blocking call.
      • When the DNS resolver is working properly, this call returns in ~10ms or less.
      • Occasionally, the DNS resolver takes 4-5 seconds to time out. When this happens, the entire program will block for those 4-5 seconds.
    • Supports the full range of acetime_t, from 1982 to 2116, by accounting for the NTP second rollover using the current AceTime epoch to automatically select the appropriate NTP eras.
  • EspSntpClock
    • Valid for the full range of acetime_t from 1982 to 2116, assuming the SNTP client provided by the ESP8266 and ESP32 libraries uses the int64_t type properly.
  • StmRtcClock
    • Limited from 2000 until 2100 due to the 2-digit year used by the RTC module on STM32 chips.
    • If the AceTime epoch is changed so that this range is no longer covered by acetime_t, then the result is unpredictable.
  • Stm32F1Clock
    • Supports the full range of acetime_t, from 1982 to 2116, because this class directly accesses the 32-bit counter used by the STM32F1.


MIT License

Feedback and Support

If you have any questions, comments, or feature requests for this library, please use the GitHub Discussions for this project. If you have bug reports, please file a ticket in GitHub Issues. Feature requests should go into Discussions first because they often have alternative solutions which are useful to remain visible, instead of disappearing from the default view of the Issue tracker after the ticket is closed.

Please refrain from emailing me directly unless the content is sensitive. The problem with email is that I cannot reference the email conversation when other people ask similar questions later.


  • Created by Brian T. Park (
  • Support an existing WiFi connection in NtpClock by denis-stepanov@ #24.
  • Support for STM32RTC through the ace_time::clock::StmRtcClock class by Anatoli Arkhipenko (arkhipenko@) #39.