Managing my dotfiles with GNU Stow
# ubuntu
apt install stow
# macOS
brew install stow
git clone ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles
chmod +x install ubuntu
cd ~/.dotfiles
chmod +x clean-env
要求 Neovim (>= 0.6)
- nvim-lspconfig - It provides common configuration for various language servers
- nvim-cmp - About A completion plugin for neovim coded in Lua.
- mason.nvim - Easily install and manage LSP servers, DAP servers, linters, and formatters.
- telescope.nvim - fuzzy finder
- trouble.nvim - A pretty diagnostics
- LuaSnip - Snippet Engine
- nvim-treesitter - Nvim Treesitter configurations and abstraction layer
- nvim-web-devicons - A file type icons plugin
- vim-repeat - Enable repeating supported plugin maps with "."
- vim-textobj-user - Create your own text objects
- vim-surround - Delete/change/add parentheses/quotes/XML-tags/much more with ease
- vim-unimpaired - Pairs of handy bracket mappings
- toggleterm.nvim - Help easily manage multiple terminal windows
- nerd-fonts
- Fish shell
- fisher - A plugin manager for Fish
- tide - The ultimate Fish prompt
- - Auto-complete matching pairs in the Fish command line
- - Augment your fish command line with fzf key bindings
- plugin-git - Git plugin for Oh My Fish (similar to oh-my-zsh git)
- - Node.js version manager lovingly made for Fish
- z for fish
- scoop - A command-line installer
- Git for Windows - Focuses on offering a lightweight, native set of tools
- Oh My Posh - A command-line installer
- Terminal Icons - A command-line installer
- PSReadLine - Cmdlets for customizing the editing environment, used for autocompletion
- z for powershell - Directory jumper
- PSFzf - Fuzzy finder
- find
- grep
- ack
- sed
- xargs
- sort
- tr
- du
- df
- curl
Migrate Alacritty Configuration from YAML to TOML for > 0.13.x versions
alacritty migrate