This repository is using Hugo to build the course website. Hugo leverages .md
files and then builds the course website. There is a Github workflow that initiates once you push changes to your main branch. The workflow then creates the website in the gh-pages
branch which is the setting for the Github pages website display.
In the config.toml file you will need to change a few settings
################################# Default configuration ###################
# provide your domain here
baseURL = ""
# theme
theme = "Dot"
# site title
title = "DS250"
# disable language
disableLanguages = [true]
# google analytics
googleAnalytics = "UA-132356198-4"
publishDir = 'docs'
# unsafe html
unsafe= true
You can set the copyright to have your name but please keep BYU-I. You can change the title to have your name in it.
################################ English Language ######################
languageName = "En"
languageCode = "en-us"
weight = 1
home = "Home"
copyright = "J. Hathaway and BYU-I ©"
# banner
title = "DS 250: Data Science Programming"
subtitle = "Using pandas, Altiar, scikit-learn, and NumPy to program with data"
bg_image = "images/banner.png"
placeholder = "Have a question? Just ask here or enter terms"
Finally, you can change the colors in the Default Parameters section. Maybe tweaking the primary_color
for the banner color.