"packages": [
"cryptoblades": [
"preprocessor": "cb-character.js", // the file name of the preprocessor script (see the preprocessor example below)
"template": "cb-character.vue", // the file name of your vue component (see the template example below)
"artsgenerator": "cb-character.js", // the file name of your nft image/arts generator. (see the artsgenerator example below)
"token": {
"method": "get", // the contract method to retrieve the token data
"contractAddress": {
"test": { // testnet contract addresses
"BSC": "0x149529De3BDA6F95FbF027275DC5d7ccc270D5Bd"
"production": { // mainnet contract addresses
"BSC": "0xc6f252c2CdD4087e30608A35c022ce490B58179b",
"HECO": "0xF6092CDEaabd02069cB56E2b770367AAcf49dfba",
"OEC": "0x6A1d1803d4EDF5CF27EDb64ae95A22F81707eA38",
"POLYGON": "0x929059Fef67b88CE2F4127e59B50bEA123981998",
"AVAX": "0x28857ccCCa599f0876792094870758A18F581Dc0"
"abi": {
"filename": "Characters.json", // the file name of your contract ABI
"source": "https://app.cryptoblades.io/abi/Characters.json" // the source where your contract ABI is retrievable
"ui": {
"pagination": { // do not edit this
"perPage": 60
"sortValues": { // do not edit this
"asc": "1",
"desc": "-1"
"sorts": [ // Do not remove `id` and `price`. You can add your custom sorting. Your custom sorting's apiField must be preceded by `props.`. Example: props.element
{ "name": "id", "apiField": "id" },
{ "name": "price", "apiField": "price" }
"filters": { // Your custom filters.
"element": { // query type of the filter
"name": "Element", // name of the filter
"apiField": "element", // apiField
"type": "checkbox", // input type. possible values: `text`, `number`, `select`, `checkbox`
"props": { "values": ["Fire", "Earth", "Water", "Lightning"] } // input properties. for `checkbox` and `select` types, `values` should contain the enumerated options
"minLevel": {
"name": "Min Level",
"apiField": "level.min", // range filters must be followed by `min` for minimum and `max` for maximum
"type": "number",
"props": { "value": 0, "min": 0, "max": 254, "step": 1 }
"maxLevel": {
"name": "Max Level",
"apiField": "level.max",
"type": "number",
"props": { "value": 254, "min": 0, "max": 254, "step": 1 }
module.exports = (nftdata) => ({
name: nftdata.name,
stats: parseData(nftdata).stats
<div class="item-card">
<div class="imgs text-center p-2">
<div class="label">
class="position-absolute top-50 start-50 translate-middle"
<img :src="require('@/assets/banned-icon.svg')" alt="" />
<img class="some-nft-image-class" :src="nft.image" alt="" />
<div class="desc">
<p class="image-name text-truncate">
{{ getNftName(nft.id) }}
<div class="cost-item">
<div v-if="$route.matched[0].name !== 'Sell'">
<CBIcon v-b-popover.hover.top="'SKILL'"></CBIcon>
<span>#{{ nft.id }}</span>
<div class="buttons" v-if="$route.matched[1] && $route.matched[1].name === 'Inventory'">
class="btn-sell right csr-pointer mr-2"
@click="openModal('nft-view-modal', nft, '', true)"
class="btn-sell left csr-pointer ml-2"
@click="openModal('nft-view-modal', nft)"
<div class="buttons" v-else-if="nft.price === 0">
class="btn-sold right csr-pointer mr-2"
<div class="buttons" v-else-if="nft.sellerAddress.toUpperCase() === defaultAccount.toUpperCase()">
class="btn-active right csr-pointer mr-2"
@click="openModal('nft-view-modal', nft, '', true, true)"
<p class="btn-sell left csr-pointer ml-2" @click="cancelListing">
<div class="buttons" v-else>
<button v-b-tooltip.hover :title="getPurchaseTooltipMsg()" v-if="nft.price !== 0" :disabled="!isValidForPurchase" :class="!isValidForPurchase || nft.sellerStatus ? 'not-allowed' : ''" class="btn-purchase right csr-pointer mr-2" @click="purchaseNft">
class="btn-purchase left csr-pointer ml-2"
@click="openModal('nft-view-modal', nft)"
const allImages = ['chara-0.png', 'chara-1.png', 'chara-2.png', 'chara-3.png'];
module.exports = (character) => {
if (!character) {
return '';
return allImages[character.id % allImages.length];