Byzer-shell is interactive command line tools for user who want to use Byzer-lang.
cargo build --release
In Byzer-lang all-in-one release, you can run command like following in the root directory:
./bin/byzer-shell --conf ./conf/byzer.conf
You can configure the byzer-shell in ./conf/byzer.conf
# Engine url
# engine.url=http://remote
# Engine memory
# Byzer config
# Runtime config
Download the Byzer-lang all-in-one release:
untar and then copy the byzer-shell
to directory bin
Now you can try some code like following:
(base) [w@me byzer-lang-darwin-amd64-3.0-2.2.2]$ ./bin/byzer-shell
Byzer-lang interpreter is starting...
_ _ _ _
| |__ _ _ ____ ___ _ __ ___ | |__ ___ | | | |
| '_ \ | | | | |_ / / _ \ | '__| _____ / __| | '_ \ / _ \ | | | |
| |_) | | |_| | / / | __/ | | |_____| \__ \ | | | | | __/ | | | |
|_.__/ \__/ | /___| \___| |_| |___/ |_| |_| \___| |_| |_|
version: "2.2.2"
buildBy: "root"
date: "2022-04-01T06:18Z"
srcChecksum: "e4d2338da4bb8ed7b21c6902dcab119"
revision: "f580c01f18bf7b3903c9b2b0a05d579c908ae88e"
branch: "master"
url: ""
core: "3.1.1"
Type "CTRL-C" or "CTRL-D" to exit the program.
load excel.`/Users/allwefantasy/projects/mlsql-example-project/example-data/excel/user-behavior.xlsx`
where header="true" as user_behavior;
select cast(datatime as date) as day,
sum(case when behavior_type = 'pv' then 1 else 0 end) as pv,
count(distinct user_id) as uv
from user_behavior
group by cast(datatime as date)
order by day
as day_pv_uv;
│ day │ pv │ uv │
│ 2017-11-25 │ 963 │ 720 │
│ 2017-11-26 │ 946 │ 741 │
│ 2017-11-27 │ 945 │ 723 │
│ 2017-11-28 │ 941 │ 688 │
│ 2017-11-29 │ 841 │ 682 │
│ 2017-11-30 │ 906 │ 724 │
│ 2017-12-01 │ 1023 │ 776 │
│ 2017-12-02 │ 1182 │ 954 │
│ 2017-12-03 │ 1196 │ 957 │