Blender Time-of-Flight Add-on
Much inspired by How to calculate for every ray the total distance it has traveled from camera to emitter.
Install Python 3.9.2 (version as Python in Blender 2.93).
Then install the modules,
python -m pip install numba opencv-python
Open the Blender default scene.
Modify Module Path
to where cv2
and numba
are installed.
Click the buttons from the top to the bottom.
Find the video in the temperary file directory.
Install a portable version of Blender in user directory, and install the VS Code plugin and the fake bpy for developent.
On Linux, to keep the cache in RAM, create a RAM file system,
mkdir ~/ramfs
sudo mount -t tmpfs -o size=2048M tmpfs ~/ramfs
Only accept simple blend files and texture-free shader nodes.
A shorter path overwrites the longer ones.
High ray-depth patterns spin.
Ior is not supported.