This project is intended to be run together with the ByzCoin blockchain. To test it locally, we recommend that you follow the instructions for setting up the ByzCoin project, and choose "Go to the OL Explorer" in the application menu.
Implementation of an intuitive and insightful blockchain explorer. The Columbus project is a project aiming to facilitate the visualization of the Byzcoin blockchain by providing a unified and interactive visualization tool.
This tool is a web based application written in typescript, bundled with webpack, and using the d3 and rxjs librairies.
π Quick TL;DR setup:
- Rename
- Install dependencies with
npm install
- Bundle the app with
npm run bundle
- You are ready to go, open
Browse the chain with your mouse with drag and zoom. Blocks will naturally load. Actions are also accessible through buttons.
Click on blocks to check their content. Many element display additional hints.
Check the evolution of a smart contract instance. You can get blocks and instruction related to a particular instance.
Use the top search bar to retrieve a particular block. You can select among many different search attribute.
Additional features include:
- Block export to json
- Tutorial to introduce functionalities to new users
- Upload of a custom roster
- Statistics and status about the chain
- Ability to follow block links
- Typescript, as the frontend language
- NPM, as the package manager
- Webpack, as the bundler
- d3, as the visualization library
- RxJS, as the reactive programming library
- UIkit, as the CSS framework
See details
Install nodejs and npm:
sudo apt-get install nodejs
sudo apt-get install npm
Rename assets/config.dedis.toml
to assets/config.toml
. By default it uses the DEDIS
Otherwise, follow instructions in the next section to run a local conode and get a local roster configuration.
Finally, install dependencies with npm install
You are ready to use the app: bundle it with npm run bundle
and open
If you are developing on Columbus you will need to use a local blockchain in order to avoid over-loading a node running the production blockchain.
Download and extract the latest binaries from Choose the folder corresponding to
your environment (only Mac and Linux is supported) and run the byzcoin
in "proxy" mode. You need to provide an existing database. You can download a
cached database reflecting the production data at
Then, run the node in "proxy" mode with :
./byzcoin proxy <MY_DATABASE.db>
That's it ! This will run a node listening on
You can stop it with ctrl + C.
There are additional options that you can spot with ./byzcoin proxy -h
You can then use the following roster in your assets/config.toml
Url = ""
Suite = "Ed25519"
Public = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
Bundle the project (from the root): npm run bundle
Watch for source code changes and automatically bundle: npm run watch
Check TypeScript code formatting: npm run lint
Check if the code is well formatted: npm run isPretty
Format the code: npm run makePretty
See details
Add vertical lines at columns 80 and 100: editor.rulers
-> Edit in settings.json
-> "editor.rulers": [80,100]
Purpose: Automatically refresh the html upon compile
Install: ritwickdey.liveserver
- Right click on
Open with Live Server
Purpose: Automatically format the code
Install: esbenp.prettier-vscode
Setup: setting editor.defaultFormatter
-> select esbenp.prettier-vscode
- Open Command Palette (
) Format Document
Purpose: Automatically organize TypeScript imports
Install: rbbit.typescript-hero
- Open Command Palette (
) TS Hero: Organize imports
Purpose: Automatically reformat comments to a given line length (default is 80)
Install: stkb.rewrap
- Open Command Palette (
) Rewrap Comment / Text
Purpose: Place anchor tags within comments for easy file & workspace navigation.
Install: ext install ExodiusStudios.comment-anchors
- Use \\ANCHOR and \\SECTION to delimitate code regions
- Use \\TODO, \\FIXME to mark specific areas
- Read the documentation for more features
A change on the production
branch automatically triggers a deployment on
The production branch must only be used that way:
# Trigger a deployment:
git push origin master:production
A change on the deploy-dev
branch automatically triggers a deployment on
The deploy-dev
branch must only be used that way:
# Trigger a deployment:
git push origin <source branch>:deploy-dev
Generate the documentation: npm run doc
Can be found in the most recent report
Supervision and integration
- NoΓ©mien Kocher
Student project Spring 2020:
Student project Fall 2020:
- Sophia Artioli
- Lucas Trognon
Student project Spring 2021:
- Rosa Jose Sara
- Pilar Marxer