A plugin for pixi-viewport allowing pinch-to-zoom behavior with the non-standard GestureEvent API. Though this isn't on a standards track, it's necessary to support pinch to zoom behavior on certain browsers (Safari).
import { Viewport } from 'pixi-viewport';
import GesturePinch from 'pixi-viewport-gesture-pinch';
const viewport = new Viewport(options);
const gesturePinch = new GesturePinch({ viewport });
viewport.plugins.add('gesture-pinch', gesturePinch);
If you're developing locally, you may want to npm link
this module into your
$ npm link --only=production /path/to/pixi-viewport-gesture-pinch
If you're using TypeScript, due to issues with module resolution for npm link
ed type definitions you'll need to make sure your build system preserves
symlinks. In Webpack, set resolve.symlinks
to false
. In a tsconfig
set compilerOptions.preserveSymlinks
to true