It's like ActionCable (100% compatible with JS Client), but you know, for Crystal.
- Add the dependency to your
github: cable-cr/cable
branch: master # or use the latest version
# Specify which backend you want to use
github: cable-cr/cable-redis
branch: main
Cable supports multiple backends. The most common one is Redis, but there's a few to choose from with more being added:
Since there are multiple different versions of Redis for Crystal, you can choose which one you want to use.
Or if you don't want to use Redis, you can try one of these alternatives
- Run
shards install
Application code
require "cable"
# Or whichever backend you chose
require "cable-redis"
To help better illustrate how the entire setup looks, we'll use Lucky, but this will work in any Crystal web framework.
# src/
require "cable"
require "cable-redis"
Add the Cable::Handler
before Lucky::RouteHandler
# src/
class AppServer < Lucky::BaseAppServer
def middleware
Cable::Handler(ApplicationCable::Connection).new, # place before the middleware below, Errors::Show),,
After that, you can configure your Cable server
. The defaults are:
# config/
Cable.configure do |settings|
settings.route = "/cable" # the URL your JS Client will connect
settings.token = "token" # The query string parameter used to get the token
settings.url = ENV.fetch("CABLE_BACKEND_URL", "redis://localhost:6379")
settings.backend_class = Cable::RedisBackend
settings.backend_ping_interval = 15.seconds
settings.restart_error_allowance = 20
settings.on_error = ->(error : Exception, message : String) do
# or whichever error reportings you're using do |event| = "lucky"
event.meta_data = {
"error_class" =>,
"message" =>,
You may want to tune how to report logging.
# config/
log_levels = {
"debug" => Log::Severity::Debug,
"info" => Log::Severity::Info,
"error" => Log::Severity::Error,
# use the `CABLE_DEBUG_LEVEL` env var to choose any of the 3 log levels above
Cable::Logger.level = log_levels[ENV.fetch("CABLE_DEBUG_LEVEL", "info")]
Alternatively, use a global log level which matches you application log code also.
See Crystal API docs for more details..
# config/
# use the `LOG_LEVEL` env var
Cable::Logger.setup_from_env(default_level: :warn)
NOTE: The volume of logs produced are high... If log costs are a concern, use
level to only receive critical logs
Then you need to implement a few classes.
The connection class is how you are going to handle connections. It's referenced in the src/
file when creating the handler.
# src/channels/application_cable/
module ApplicationCable
class Connection < Cable::Connection
# You need to specify how you identify the class, using something like:
# Remembering that it must be a String
# Tip: Use your `User#id` converted to String
identified_by :identifier
# If you'd like to keep a `User` instance together with the Connection, so
# there's no need to fetch from the database all the time, you can use the
# `owned_by` instruction
owned_by current_user : User
def connect
UserToken.decode_user_id(token.to_s).try do |user_id|
self.identifier = user_id.to_s
self.current_user = UserQuery.find(user_id)
Then you need you a base channel to make it easy to inherit your app's Cable logic.
# src/channels/application_cable/
module ApplicationCable
class Channel < Cable::Channel
# some potential shared logic or helpers
Kitchen sink example
Then create your cables, as much as your want!! Let's set up a ChatChannel
as an example:
# src/channels/
class ChatChannel < ApplicationCable::Channel
def subscribed
# We don't support stream_for, needs to generate your own unique string
stream_from "chat_#{params["room"]}"
def receive(data)
broadcast_message = {} of String => String
broadcast_message["message"] = data["message"].to_s
broadcast_message["current_user_id"] = connection.identifier
ChatChannel.broadcast_to("chat_#{params["room"]}", broadcast_message)
def perform(action, action_params)
user =
# Perform actions on a user object. For example, you could manage
# its status by adding some .away and .status methods on it like below
# user.away if action == "away"
# user.status(action_params["status"]) if action == "status"
ChatChannel.broadcast_to("chat_#{params["room"]}", {
"user" =>,
"performed" => action.to_s,
def unsubscribed
# Perform any action after the client closes the connection.
user =
# You could, for example, call any method on your user
# user.logout
Rejection example
Reject channel subscription if the request is invalid:
# src/channels/
class ChatChannel < ApplicationCable::Channel
def subscribed
reject if user_not_allowed_to_join_chat_room?
stream_from "chat_#{params["room"]}"
Callbacks example
Use callbacks to perform actions or transmit messages once the connection/channel has been subscribed.
# src/channels/
class ChatChannel < ApplicationCable::Channel
# you can name these callbacks anything you want...
# `after_subscribed` can accept 1 or more callbacks to be run in order
after_subscribed :broadcast_welcome_pack_to_single_subscribed_user,
def subscribed
stream_from "chat_#{params["room"]}"
# If you ONLY need to send the current_user a message
# and none of the other subscribers
# use -> transmit(message), which accepts Hash(String, String) or String
def broadcast_welcome_pack_to_single_subscribed_user
transmit({ "welcome_pack" => "some cool stuff for this single user" })
# On the other hand,
# if you want to broadcast a message
# to all subscribers connected to this channel
# use -> broadcast(message), which accepts Hash(String, String) or String
def announce_user_joining_to_everyone_else_in_the_channel
broadcast("username xyz just joined")
# you don't need to use the transmit functionality
def process_some_stuff
You can setup a hook to report errors to any 3rd party service you choose.
# config/
Cable.configure do |settings|
settings.on_error = ->(exception : Exception, message : String) do
# new 3rd part service handler
ExceptionService.notify(exception, message: message)
# default logic
Cable::Logger.error(exception: exception) { message }
Default Handler
Habitat.create do
setting on_error : Proc(Exception, String, Nil) = ->(exception : Exception, message : String) do
Cable::Logger.error(exception: exception) { message }
NOTE: The message field will contain details regarding which class/method raised the error
Check below on the JavaScript section how to communicate with the Cable backend.
It works with ActionCable JS Client out-of-the-box!! Yeah, that's really cool no? If you need to adapt, make a hack, or something like that?!
No, you don't need it! Just read the few lines below and start playing with Cable in 5 minutes!
If you want to use this shard with iOS clients or vanilla JS using react etc., there is an example in the examples folder.
Note - If you are using a vanilla - non-action-cable JS client, you may want to disable the action cable response headers as they cause issues for clients who don't know how to handle them. Set a Habitat disable_sec_websocket_protocol_header like so to disable those headers;
# config/
Cable.configure do |settings|
settings.disable_sec_websocket_protocol_header = true
You can create a JSON endpoint to ping the server and check how things are going.
# src/actions/debug/
class Debug::Index < ApiAction
include RequireAuthToken
get "/debug" do
json(Cable.server.debug_json) # Cable.server.debug_json is provided by this shard
Alternatively, you can ping Redis directly using the redis-cli as follows;
PUBLISH _internal debug
This will dump a debug status into the logs.
- Fork it (
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create a new Pull Request