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cadon edited this page Nov 9, 2019 · 4 revisions




  • Green highlighted creature name: The creature has a top-stat (no other creature in your library of the same species has a higher level in that stat). This creature is good for breeding.
  • gold highlighted creature name: The creature has only top-stats (no other creature in your library of the same species has a higher level in any stat). You cannot get better creatures by breeding anymore (except with mutations).
  • light-brown highlighted and greyed out: the creature is marked as dead
  • greyed out: the creature is marked as not available for breeding, e.g. if it belongs to a different tribe
  • text colored red: If all possible domesticated levels are applied to this creature, the total level will be greater than Settings - Maximum Levels on Server - Max Total Level, e.g. on official servers these creatures will despawn when all levels are spend. To disable this highlighting set the setting to 0.


  • Background-color: The hue represents the value of the stat-level, red means low, green means high. The range covered can be set Settings - Maximum Levels on Server - Max Graph Level
  • Lightness
    • strongly colored: top-stat
    • lightly colored: not a top-stat
    • nearly white: stat is not considered in top-stat calculation (even if the stat is a top-stat, it's not strongly colored). To set which stats are considered, set in the library - bottom-left in the tab Stats

Order of the Species in the Library

You can set any order you like for the species in the library. Create a file called sortNames.txt in the json-folder of the application and write the name of a species followed by an @-sign and the sorting name for each species in a row.


If you want to have the Rex sorted at the beginning, you could write Rex@aaa in a row, which gives the Rex the sorting value of aaa and displays it before any other regular species.

To display all wyvern-variants near each other, use

Fire Wyvern@Wyvern Fire
Ice Wyvern@Wyvern Ice
Poison Wyvern@Wyvern Poison
Lightning Wyvern@Wyvern Lighting

You can also use regular expressions (more info about regex) to create sort names, so writing ^(.*) Wyvern@Wyvern $1 will result in the same order as the example above.

To sort all aberrant variants near their vanilla counterparts, you can use ^Aberrant (.*)@$1 aberrant.

Columns in Library

See Abbreviations for the explanation of the column-headers.

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