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Additional wall ink projects

jdeananderson edited this page Jan 23, 2019 · 5 revisions

Several individuals have written their own completely separate server code for use with wall-ink devices. All a server needs to do is return a valid wink formatted file when a device makes a web request. If you have a stand alone server, or a wall-ink-server plugin that you would like to be on the list, let us know.

Server Software


The wall-ink-server was written by the same group that created the wall-ink device and firmware . It uses a plugin architecture to make it extensible. There are many plugins available that support calendaring systems such as Google, Outlook, Booked, and most iCal files. It has plugins for rotating through static images, and placing text up on the screen using imageMagick. The wall-ink-server includes a management site to help keep track of your devices, and has Nagios plugins to help monitor your devices.


The wall-ink-php project was written by bajensen and was written entirely in PHP using the imageMagick PHP libraries. It was written specifically to interface with a custom in-house scheduling system. It includes a management site and an engine to create images, but does not currently include code to interface with other calendaring systems.

wall-ink-server plugins

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