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Compatibility with Elevation Ruler

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@caewok caewok released this 30 Jan 01:50
· 535 commits to main since this release

Improvements to calculating movement penalty across a path for compatibility with Elevation Ruler:

  • Change Terrain.percentMovementForTokenAlongPath to return the movement penalty, not the movement percent applied to the token. So if the token is at 50% movement speed for a given terrain, this would return 1.5 for a path completely in the terrain. Necessary so the averaging across different terrains works properly.

  • Force a measurement for terrain and elevation at the beginning and end of a path in instances when it would otherwise be omitted. Necessary to capture when t=0 or t=1 rounds to somewhere other than the exact origin point or destination point, respectively.

Full Changelog: 0.1.1...0.1.2