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admin enqueue script

Alberto Parziale edited this page Aug 30, 2019 · 1 revision


Aeria makes enqueuing js scripts easy. To do so, you just have to create a new ScriptsEnqueuer, which constructor accepts:

  • name(required) is the script's name. It should be unique.
  • path(required) is the script's path, either full or relative to the WP root directory.
  • deps is an array of registered script handles this script depends on.
  • ver is a string defining the script's version. If it has one, it gets added to the URL for cache busting purposes.
  • in_footer is a boolean stating if the script has to be enqueued in the <head>, or before the </body> tag.

After declaring the ScriptsEnqueuer, you just need to register it into an AdminEnqueueScriptsAction and dispatch it.

$js_script = new Aeria\Action\Enqueuers\ScriptsEnqueuer(

$admin_enqueue_scripts = new Aeria\Action\Actions\AdminEnqueueScripts();

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