4 find TODO's search entire codebase: TODO: @cagataycali
- Write tests for character component fetch (jest.spyFetch)
- Write tests for Episode/Location renderLoadMoreButton
- Add infinitive scroll instead of button.
- Write tests for infinitive scroll
- Write tests for loadMore
- Prepare a pm2 starter for just POC purposes or just bash script to setup locally.
- Dockerize each project (staged dockerfiles for cache usage)
- Heroku || vercel deploy's
- Create .gitlab-ci.yml for each project (only changes deploys)
- Create .github/workflows/composer.yml for composer
- Create .github/workflows/fragment.yml for fragments
- Create deployment.yml with HPA and service.yml for k8s. (NodePort for each)
**commit 3abe77f20331ffdd7113f7d2efa818b99bb5984c**
Author: cagataycali <cagataycali@icloud.com>
Date: Tue Mar 30 02:19:40 2021 +0300
🎉 Init codebase
./bootstrap.sh # this code will open http://localhost:8000 which is composer after compile.
This project is a template for your next micro-frontend project.
git clone git@github.com:cagataycali/micro-fun.git
FUN_FRAGMENT_NAME=Header FUN_PORT=3000 ./copy.sh header
FUN_FRAGMENT_NAME=Footer FUN_PORT=3001 ./copy.sh footer
FUN_FRAGMENT_NAME=Avatar FUN_PORT=3002 ./copy.sh avatar
./install.sh header
./install.sh footer
./install.sh avatar
./start.sh footer # in first terminal
./start.sh header # in second terminal
./start.sh avatar # in third terminal
# Edit composer project for concatenate project (uncomment examples.)
cd composer
yarn dev