The compendium is created with an objective to organise all the latest research carried in the direction of NLP, so that interested researchers, students can head directly to papers that matter rather than sauntering through the conference website and face information overload.
- ACL: Association for Computational Linguistics
- EMNLP: Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
- NAACL: North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
- EACL: European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
- COLING: International Conference on Computational Linguistics
- CoNLL: Conference on Natural Language Learning
- LREC: Language Resources and Evaluation*
- NeurIPS: Neural Information Processing Systems*
Emotion-Cause Pair Extraction: A New Task to Emotion Analysis in Texts. Rui Xia and Zixiang Ding
A Simple Theoretical Model of Importance for Summarization Maxime Peyrard
Transferable Multi-Domain State Generator for Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems Chien-Sheng Wu, Andrea Madotto, Ehsan Hosseini-Asl, Caiming Xiong, Richard Socher and Pascale Fung
We need to talk about standard splits Kyle Gorman and Steven Bedrick
Zero-shot Word Sense Disambiguation using Sense Definition Embeddings Sawan Kumar, Sharmistha Jat, Karan Saxena and Partha Talukdar
Do you know that Florence is packed with visitors? Evaluating state-of-the-art models of speaker commitment. Nanjiang Jiang and Marie-Catherine de Marneffe
Bridging the Gap between Training and Inference for Neural Machine Translation. Wen Zhang, Yang Feng, Fandong Meng, Di You and Qun Liu
Title: Detecting Concealed Information in Text and Speech Authors: Shengli Hu
Title: AMR Parsing as Sequence-to-Graph Transduction. Authors: Sheng Zhang, Xutai Ma, Kevin Duh and Benjamin Van Durme
Title: Do Neural Dialog Systems Use the Conversation History Effectively? An Empirical Study. Authors: Chinnadhurai Sankar, Sandeep Subramanian, Chris Pal, Sarath Chandar and Yoshua Bengio
Title: Transferable Multi-Domain State Generator for Task-Oriented Authors: Chien-Sheng Wu, Andrea Madotto, Ehsan Hosseini-Asl, Caiming Xiong, Richard Socher and Pascale Fung
Title: Emotion-Cause Pair Extraction: A New Task to Emotion Analysis in Texts. Authors: Rui Xia and Zixiang Ding
Title: ConvLab: Multi-Domain End-to-End Dialog System Platform Authors: Sungjin Lee, Qi Zhu, Ryuichi Takanobu, Zheng Zhang, Yaoqin Zhang, Xiang Li, Jinchao Li, Baolin Peng, Xiujun Li, Minlie Huang and Jianfeng Gao
Title: Studying Summarization Evaluation Metrics in the Appropriate Scoring Range Author: Maxime Peyrard
Title: Persuasion for Good: Towards a Personalized Persuasive Dialogue System for Social Good. Authors: Xuewei Wang, Weiyan Shi, Richard Kim, Yoojung Oh, Sijia Yang, Jingwen Zhang and Zhou Yu
Title: Zero-Shot Entity Linking by Reading Entity Descriptions Authors: Lajanugen Logeswaran, Ming-Wei Chang, Kenton Lee, Kristina Toutanova, Jacob Devlin and Honglak Lee
Second Workshop on Storytelling (StoryNLP)
4th Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP (RepL4NLP-2019)
- Proceedings all Papers 661 papers
- Student Reasearch Workshop 61 papers
- Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations 35 papers
- Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Tutorial Abstracts 10 papers
Out-of-the-box Universal Romanization Tool by Ulf Hermjakob, Jonathan May and Kevin Knight
- Know What You Don’t Know: Unanswerable Questions for SQuAD. Pranav Rajpurkar, Robin Jia and Percy Liang
- ‘Lighter’ Can Still Be Dark: Modeling Comparative Color Descriptions. Olivia Winn and Smaranda Muresan
- Finding syntax in human encephalography with beam search. John Hale, Chris Dyer, Adhiguna Kuncoro and Jonathan Brennan.
- Learning to Ask Good Questions: Ranking Clarification Questions using Neural Expected Value of Perfect Information. Sudha Rao and Hal Daumé III.
- Let’s do it “again”: A First Computational Approach to Detecting Adverbial Presupposition Triggers. Andre Cianflone,* Yulan Feng,* Jad Kabbara* and Jackie Chi Kit Cheung.
Short Papers
- Jointly Predicting Predicates and Arguments in Neural Semantic Role Labeling. Luheng He, Kenton Lee, Omer Levy and Luke Zettlemoyer.
- Do Neural Network Cross-Modal Mappings Really Bridge Modalities? Guillem Collell and Marie-Francine Moens.
Long Papers
- Coarse-to-Fine Decoding for Neural Semantic Parsing. Li Dong and Mirella Lapata.
- NASH: Toward End-to-End Neural Architecture for Generative Semantic Hashing. Dinghan Shen, Qinliang Su, Paidamoyo Chapfuwa, Wenlin Wang, Guoyin Wang, Ricardo Henao and Lawrence Carin.
- Backpropagating through Structured Argmax using a SPIGOT. Hao Peng, Sam Thomson and Noah A. Smith.
- Hierarchical Neural Story Generation. Angela Fan, Mike Lewis and Yann Dauphin.
- Semantically Equivalent Adversarial Rules for Debugging NLP models. Marco Tulio Ribeiro, Sameer Singh and Carlos Guestrin.
- Large-Scale QA-SRL Parsing. Nicholas FitzGerald, Julian Michael, Luheng He and Luke Zettlemoyer.
- (Volume 1: Long Papers) 257 papers
- (Volume 2: Short Papers) 126 papers
- Student Research Workshop 23 papers
- System Demonstrations 25 papers
- Complete Anthology
OpenNMT: Open-Source Toolkit for Neural Machine Translation Guillaume Klein, Yoon Kim, Yuntian Deng, Jean Senellart and Alexander Rush,
Alane Suhr, Mike Lewis, James Yeh and Yoav Artzi, A Corpus of Natural Language for Visual Reasoning
- Bogdan Ludusan, Reiko Mazuka, Mathieu Bernard, Alejandrina Cristia and Emmanuel Dupoux The Role of Prosody and Speech Register in Word Segmentation: A Computational Modelling Perspective
- Yizhong Wang and Sujian Li A Two-stage Parsing Method for Text-level Discourse Analysis
- Keisuke Sakaguchi, Matt Post and Benjamin Van Durme Error-repair Dependency Parsing for Ungrammatical Texts
- Jindřich Libovický and Jindřich Helcl Attention Strategies for Multi-Source Sequence-to-Sequence Learning
- Xinyu Hua and Lu Wang Understanding and Detecting Diverse Supporting Arguments on Controversial
- Ryan Lowe, Michael Noseworthy, Iulian Vlad Serban, Nicolas Angelard-Gontier, Yoshua Bengio and Joelle Pineau Towards an Automatic Turing Test: Learning to Evaluate Dialogue Responses
- Daniel Hershcovich, Omri Abend and Ari Rappoport A Transition-Based Directed Acyclic Graph Parser for UCCA
- Maxim Rabinovich, Mitchell Stern and Dan Klein Abstract Syntax Networks for Code Generation and Semantic Parsing
- Yanzhuo Ding, Yang Liu, Huanbo Luan and Maosong Sun Visualizing and Understanding Neural Machine Translation
- Ines Rehbein and Josef Ruppenhofer Detecting annotation noise in automatically labelled data
Ryan Cotterell and Jason Eisner, Probabilistic Typology: Deep Generative Models of Vowel Inventories
Bogdan Ludusan, Reiko Mazuka, Mathieu Bernard, Alejandrina Cristia and Emmanuel Dupoux, The Role of Prosody and Speech Register in Word Segmentation
- (Volume 1: Long Papers) 196 papers
- (Volume 2: Short Papers) 108 papers
- Student Research Workshop 24 papers
- System Demonstrations 22 papers
- Tutorial Abstracts 7 papers
ACL Lifetime Achievement Award Recipients
Annual Meetings of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Mirror of Past ACL Conferences
- Specializing Word Embeddings (for Parsing) by Information Bottleneck Xiang Lisa Li and Jason Eisner
- Designing and Interpreting Probes with Control Tasks John Hewitt and Percy Liang
- AllenNLP Interpret: A Framework for Explaining Predictions of NLP Models Eric Wallace, Jens Tuyls, Junlin Wang, Sanjay Subramanian, Matt Gardner and Sameer Singh
- Two New Evaluation Datasets for Low-Resource Machine Translation: Nepali-English and Sinhala English Francisco Guzmán, Peng-Jen Chen, Myle Ott, Juan Pino, Guillaume Lample, Philipp Koehn, Vishrav Chaudhary and Marc’Aurelio Ranzato
Dive into Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing
Processing and Understanding Mixed Language Data
Data Collection and End-to-End Learning for Conversational AI
Bias and Fairness in Natural Language Processing
Discreteness in Neural Natural Language Processing
Graph-based Deep Learning in Natural Language Processing
Semantic Specialization of Distributional Word Vectors
The second workshop on Fact Extraction and VERification
Discourse in Machine Translation 2019
Beyond Vision and Language: Integrating Knowledge from the Real World
The second Workshop on Multilingual Surface Realization
The 2nd Workshop on Machine Reading for Question Answering
International Workshop on BioNLP Open Shared Tasks 2019
The 3rd Workshop on Neural Generation and Translation
Click on above link
- (All Papers) 682 papers
- System Demonstrations 45 papers
- Tutorial Abstracts 7 papers
- Cover ACL 19
- Cover ACL 18
- Cover ACL 17
- Cover EMNLP 19
- Cover EMNLP 18
- Cover EMNLP 17
- Cover NAACL 18
- Cover NAACL 17