This project contains a Java middleware implementation and a direct invocation api to leverage existing web page snapshotting service providers. The web page snapshotting services snapshot a web page after executing any Javascript to enable search engines / bots to parse the post-javascript rendered page (since bots / search engines don't execute javascript). This is helpful if you have a javascript web app (backbone, angular, emberjs, etc.)
There are two parts to this code
- Java middleware implemented by a servlet filter that detects if a search-engine / bot is making a request and if so leverages the web page snapshotting service to return a response.
- An api to explicitly snapshot your web pages.
The code is based upon The ways it differs from that project are:
- multiple web app snapshotting service support - built in support for and Or you can add support for another service.
- open source project support - it has a token provider api for open source projects that don't want to put their snapshot service token in their web.xml.
- app engine support - switched from org.apache.httpcomponents to HttpURLConnection to avoid socket read exceptions:
- supports explicit snapshotting in addition to servlet filter snapshotting
If you are using a #
in your urls, make sure to change it to #!
. View Google's ajax crawling protocol
Make sure you have more than one webserver thread/process running because the snapshotting service will make a request to your server to render the HTML.
- Check if a webpage snapshot is required
- Check if the request is from a crawler (
or agent string) - Check to make sure we aren't requesting a resource (js, css, etc...)
- (optional) Check to make sure the url is in the whitelist
- (optional) Check to make sure the url isn't in the blacklist
- Check if the request is from a crawler (
- If a snapshot is required
- (optional) Invoke SeoFilterEventHandler.beforeSnapshot to check if a snapshot is available. If so, use this as the snapshot and skip the remaining steps.
- Make a request to the snapshotting service to get a snapshot.
- (optional) Invoke SeoFilterEventHandler.afterSnapshot with the snapshot (for persistence / logging)
- return the snapshot result to the crawler
[1] Modify your pom.xml
[2] Modify your web.xml (you will probably want to add this filter prior to all other filters)
All parameters are optional except the parameter used to specify the snapshot service token: snapshotServiceToken or snapshotServiceTokenProvider. By default AjaxSnapshotsSnapshotService is used as the snapshotService.
Snapshot service parameters:
- snapshotService - the snapshotting service. Two built in services are available: (1) com.github.avaliani.snapshot.AjaxSnapshotsSnapshotService and (2) com.github.avaliani.snapshot.PrerenderSnapshotService. Or you can implement your own.
- snapshotServiceHeaders - headers to use when making a request to the snapshotting service. Specified as semi-colon seperated headerName and headerValue pairs, e.g. "X-AJS-SNAP-TIME=2000;{headerName2}={headerValue2}"
- snapshotServiceToken - specifies the snapshot service token
- snapshotServiceTokenProvider - used if you want to generate your snapshot service token from a class and not from web.xml. The class must implement com.github.avaliani.snapshot.SnapshotServiceTokenProvider
- snapshotServiceUrl - used to specify an explicit url for the snapshotting service. If not specified the default url for the snapshotting service will be used.
Request selection parameters:
- crawlerUserAgents - additional user agents to check for
- whitelist - if set and the request url is not in the whitelist it is not snapshotted
- blacklist - if set and the request url is in the blacklist it is not snapshotted
Other parameters:
- loggingLevel - java logging Level at which to write logs. Default logging level is FINE.
- seoFilterEventHandler - event handler to be invoked before and after taking snapshots.
See com.github.avaliani.snapshot.SnapshotService for the API. Two built in services are available: (1) com.github.avaliani.snapshot.AjaxSnapshotsSnapshotService and (2) com.github.avaliani.snapshot.PrerenderSnapshotService.
If you want to make sure your pages are rendering correctly:
- Open the Developer Tools in Chrome (Cmd + Atl + J)
- Click the Settings gear in the bottom right corner.
- Click "Overrides" on the left side of the settings panel.
- Check the "User Agent" checkbox.
- Choose "Other..." from the User Agent dropdown.
- Type
into the input box. - Refresh the page (make sure to keep the developer tools open).
The MIT License (MIT)